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What is this mod about?


Well me and my brother got to talking and started thinking, why the hell are we paying $20.00 for DLC's that only last a day and only gives you a short story and no real reward for your hard work except a "thanks a lot for saving the world and stuff". We aim to change that!!! Another thing we wanted was the feel of the old rpgs on play station and a really heavy handed focus on story, not just go here ...kill this guy


Whats the idea?


The story starts when you receive a letter, the note states that a group of adventurers are in need of help finding some treasure in some nameless dungeon..........(WOW!!! mod maker what a amazing creative idea that hasn't been beaten to death at all :down: ) Okay Okay i get that i doesn't sound that great at first but this mod will take you far north. To the city of (see screenshots) BROM KUN, a huge city on a small island in the sea so over populated that the buildings have grow vertically to accommodate for the large amount of people coming and going from this thriving port city. From this Quest packed island you will travel to more islands working your way further north to discover the truth of the elder scrolls.


Some of the things that will be included.


-mini games

-new factions

-new weapons

-new armor


-the ability to rule a city

-the power of a demigod (with transformation)



New businesses, shops and entertainment.


-Banks (store your items and gold ...also a exchange rate for brom kune currency)


-college (not like winter holds shitty college but real classes)

-red light district (that's right we are bringing back the house of earthly delights)

-acting on stage

-ability to play music (for gold and fun)


-bare knuckle boxing matches (be the king of underground slum boxing)

-bouncer (keep the local rabble from starting problems the local bars and mead halls

AND MUCH MUCH MORE!!! (not kidding this city is huge...and yes I know I sound like a used car salesman)



here is my work so far my brothers have 4 islands done already I am tasked with brom kun's construction and layout. IF YOU CANT SEE THE SCREENS LET ME KNOW!!!








as a side note if anyone would like to help i will give the full story rundown and everything that is going to be included.


OH! and we will have a trailer ready soon so keep a look out.

Edited by fulljacket01
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I approve of this project. Hope to not see it wasted cause you guys have a lot of ideas and usually theese kind of projects are left right after world-construction because there arent enought people willing to help with scripts, quests, voices etc.. Well, this is what happened to me anyway and what happened to a lot of people! Hope you are good at anything so you can do the project SOLO and BEST! :D Best whishes to you guys!
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I approve of this project. Hope to not see it wasted cause you guys have a lot of ideas and usually theese kind of projects are left right after world-construction because there arent enought people willing to help with scripts, quests, voices etc.. Well, this is what happened to me anyway and what happened to a lot of people! Hope you are good at anything so you can do the project SOLO and BEST! :D Best whishes to you guys!



Well first I would like to say thank you, second I do have a little acting experience as do my brothers so the voice acting is in the bag. everything else is no problem there are 4 of us, the only real roadblock I for-see is that we have no clue on how to make weapons and clothing from scratch. But we really like this idea, and soon ppl will see just how serious we are about what we do. And yes most projects that are this ambitious fall through I have seen it time and time before but we are dead set on this.


lol sry for the overly intense tone

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Hey, i've been playing with 3ds max making armors, and i'd love to help out with anything. In the very least you could give me armor idea's. And they can be posted regardless on if you finish this. I can model really quickly, but it would be awesome to recruit textures cuz i suck at it. But I really wish the game was more like... this. What happened to dark, heavyhearted story driven games? Just PM me if you're interested.
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