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Kernel Power Event 41 (63)


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My pc is freezing randomly, usually happens playing games and watching videos (youtube). The freezing usually comes with a buzzing sound from the speakers.


The only way to get out is doing a reset, i have replaced my power supply recently so im very suspicious about my graphics card.


In the event viewer everytime it happens windows generates the following event: Kernel power event 41 (63).


My system is windows 10 latest version.


Any help is appreciated, thanks.




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Do you have a CPU temperature app on your computer? If yes, have it make logs, see if that temp is getting too high for your processor, or it could be too much for the CPU to do (see original xbox and Knights of the Republic and the dark kell dragon spawning areas for when players summoned too many at once).


Once you have the log, you may want better CPU cooling, or a better CPU. I can say an AMD Athlon Back Edition 8150 that is an 8 core processor will work, as that what I have. Also check your graphics settings, might be too high for your video card (MSI Lightning 2 with 3Gb of video RAM on my end, so graphics are a bit above low with at best 2k textures in some cases, though do have Bethesdas hi texture pack in place).


Hopefully that helps, do check complexity of mods while you're at it.

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