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creation kit 1.6 save issues


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Ok so I have a problem, obviously, but it's with 1.6 I believe.


This is what the situation is:


First off, I have the whiterun outskirts house, which is great, but could use some additions.

Which I have done, new stuff saves decently, but if I delete something from the original mod and add something, it saves the addition but still shows the original part.

EX: I delete the bed for a better bed.

Get into game both beds are there.

EX: It was missing a smelter so I added one, saved fine, but I wanted the other smithing stuff somewhere else, so I moved them and saved it.

Now the smelter is there right, the stuff I moved is moved, but they are still as well at the original spot.


So additions save, but deletions do not save?



Second problem.


I am using the eternal glowing elven set, looks great, but... the armor isn't showing when I place it into a chest.

I editing them to add enchantments, changed the ID and created new versions of them. So they are duplicates basicaly, and the weapons show fine, great...

But the armors show on the ground, but once placed on my character they aren't there. Just shows me naked. They show in the menu as being there, but nothing shows on me.


So I figured maybe there was something wrong with the gear, so I made a new npc and added a new outfit with duplicated armor addons and so on... so the new npc shows in the render window great, with the armor on. I saved everything and when I get in game the NPC is naked and there is no items on her.


using the the better butts naked body or whatever it's called. CC something or other...

Same with the blood witch set. Can see it on the ground, but not on a person. All my other armor has showed fine. and they are installed correctly.


Seeing it on the npc in the render window is what is getting me, why can I see it in the CK but not in the game?!



So run down...


Saving new stuff displays when placed. Deleting items from other mods doesn't save correctly.

Eternal shine elven gear doesn't show on my character but does show in the CK




ok Quick UPDATE


i just went through and console commanded the crafting of the Armor and it works that way.


So If want the gear i can craft it, but I can't duplicate it and add enchants and place it in a chest, or add it to npcs.....


so that's still a weird question.

Edited by neosky5k
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