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Help with meshes


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Hi every one,


I do not know how i can combine two meshes into one mesh in NIFScope, because i don't have experience with blender or another 3d modeling program.

I looking for tutorial for this, but i don't find or i don't understand it.

Here, in Nexus, one member gave me some tips how i can make this.


He wrote me this small tutorial:


lets take an exemple with "maskbronze.nif" (an existing meshe) and "newmeshe.nif" (your new modified meshe)


> open "maskbronze.nif" with nifscope


> open "newmeshe.nif" too


you will see that the "0 Ninode" name is different (first tree branch in the block list)


> go in "newmeshe.nif"


> clic on "0 Ninode"


you will access all the options for this block in the bottom window "Block Details"

you will see on the first line in the "value" column the name you have on "0 Ninode" (lets say it's "newmeshe.nif [0]")


> right clic on this - Edit string index


> then put the same name you have on the "maskbronze.nif" 's Ninode (should be "maskbronze.nif[0]")


ex : here you will have to copy "maskbronze.nif[0]" from "maskbronze.nif" (0 Ninode)

the you will have to paste it to replace "newmeshe.nif [0]" into "maskbronze.nif[0]"


after you've done that you can copy / paste items from the 1st meshe to the other (that should be enought just to modify the NiNode value name)


> select the piece you want to copy in the other meshe (can do it in the 3D view)


> right clic - block - copy branch


then go to your other meshe (the one you want to edit)


> select 0 Ninode (in Block List)


> right clic - block - paste branch


But when i try combine meshes with this tutorial, in game added meshes aren't visible.

I don'ť know how i can fix it.

So i need your help.


THX TheJamesFreeze

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