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A couple of requests


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If you're like me you like having a group of followers, usually done by using a mod to increase the follower limit, it just makes the world more fun to travel when you do so with a group of like-minded adventurers. Once again if you're like me you probably hate how they all follow you like a bunch of ducklings following their mother.

If some modder out there could maybe change it so they follow you in a more sporadic manner, maybe spreading out and going in different directions but not following directly behind you.


Another thing that bothered me in Skyrim. Random NPCs would die and after 60 hours of gameplay I would find out while trying to sell some of my treasure that an npc was killed some 20 hours back in my gameplay due to a random vampire attack. If somebody could make a mod that maybe brings back all the merchants and anybody that has a quest attached to them, maybe even could have a description for which quest they are from so you could leave the dark brotherhood deaths alone. Could be a menu or a list with all the names, and you select which ones you wish to revive.

This would really help a lot, because I don't want to have to restart my entire playthrough once all the towns are empty because of these random vampire attacks, which usually I'm not even around for.


Thanks in advance for considering and maybe even making these or something similar :)



Another mod Idea I had last night would be for a New Game + mod. Maybe something that allows you to pick a save game, and it keeps all your gear/levels/skills progress and puts you back into the world of tamriel to do it again.

Edited by Dilwo
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I can't actually give you what you're looking for, but if you're inteerested you can stop the vampire attacks altogether while you're waiting for a revival mod. (Or something that makes vendors and quest npcs Protected, which might work to avert the problem.)



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I can't actually give you what you're looking for, but if you're inteerested you can stop the vampire attacks altogether while you're waiting for a revival mod. (Or something that makes vendors and quest npcs Protected, which might work to avert the problem.)




I have actually thought of doing that, but I really don't want to start my save over entirely, and most of the npcs I want revived have bodies that are disappeared :/ And just spawning them apparently causes problems with buying/selling.

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