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Real unleveled skyrim or challenigng skyrim or both?


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The first levels areas to a static level (so Winterhold might be level 15, while Riverwood is level 5) and the second seems to remove level caps on a lot of things and make monsters higher levels in areas. They MIGHT not work together properly, and I'd suggest the second one if you're dead set on these two. If you're just looking for more challenge, you could also look into the Deadly Dragons mod and/or PISE
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If you are looking for something to make the game more, err, of a game I can recommend a mod I recently tried and found very challenging: Requiem - The Oldschool Roleplaying Overhaul by Xarrian.


It does what those other two mods do, in that it rebalances and removes a lot of the levelled lists in game but it goes way beyond that. :thumbsup: You'll need to avoid most stuff up to level 5 or so and stay faaaaar away from draugr unless you're packing some fire magic.


I use it with various graphic overhauls (immersive armors, skyrim monster mod, skyUI etc).

Edited by slzy
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