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Landing dragons causing CTD


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I've been having a lot of CTD issues recently while playing and hope someone can help or point me in the right direction. I just recently uninstalled/reinstalled and a good 100+ mods, (yes, BOSS is handling load order) and all was working fine. I've installed a few armor mods which were causing CTD (not from Nexus) which I have recently removed, and no saves were created after these mods were installed as they would CTD right after smithing and placed into inventory. Since then I started getting random CTD and game freezes. After a few attempts to resolve the issues I ran across This guide, which referred to mods having scripts linger after uninstalling. So I decided to give it a shot, All seemed fine and running as good as first installed, great FPS 25-30 outside, 50 - 60 inside. Then, I met first dragon spawn since the clean save process, just outside Whiterun near Bathing Beauties suite, and once the dragon landed I got an instant CTD. Since this was the original cause for me to uninstall/reinstall (done on Aug 30th), I decided to post here and see if this issue has been seen by anyone else here and what was done to resolve it before doing that again. I have deadly dragons installed and is the only mod I have running for dragons, I have tried with the mod enabled and disabled. It still causes CTD either way.


Sorry if this post is a bit long winded but I wanted to put in as much info as possible. Thanks in advance for any help or insight into this issue. I find myself lately fixing this game more then playing. :wallbash:

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Just had it happen again dragon encounter outside Markarth. It's circled me twice, hovered and on the next pass attempted to land. *BOOM* Crash....This is staring to be come extremely frustrating and becoming close to a game breaker for me. If anyone has ANY advice or anything I could try please let me know. Thanks.


(I'm getting the feeling I am the only one who's ever seen this issue.) :ohdear:

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So I'm guessing I'm the only one ever to experience this issue, and I just start the long reinstall process tonight :( as it's totally impossible for me to continue playing like this.


Thanks to all who read the post, and gave my issue some thought.

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