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Moving items from a save file to another save


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I just realized a nasty little thing while i was playing Skyrim, my player house mod (Bergheim) had been reset in somewhile when i did not notice, and now all of my stored items are gone.

It was a mod that had a quest on it, and that was reset, thus resetting the house.


It is possible to go in an older save inside the house and it works, and the items are there, so the mod i functional. I can start the quest again, but the house is still reset.


I would not want to start using a ton of console commands to spawn the items again on my newest save, so is there any better way to get all the items to other save file?

Any help appreciated.


EDIT: It seems that the house is first time reset sometime after starting dawnguard questline.

Edited by sssu1
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No it's not possible to do that without hacking thru the save game files which I have never seen documented. I guess you need to decide whether to go back to the old save and move all the items out before continuing or just to live with it.




Then the only option would be to copy all of the IDs of the about 300+ different items and the using console commands to spawn the again.

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You cannot (yet) take things out of, or add things to a saved game.

Note - if this is a steam workshop mod - even this may not work if it is automatically updated without warning. :wallbash:


If you can, go back to the last save before the house was updated.

Make a permanent save before doing anything - do NOT use the autosaves or overwrite this save

Remove all of your 'stuff' and store it elsewhere.

make a new permanent save. (Do NOT overwrite this save, overwrite any other save or use autosave)

Update the house to it's new version

Restore all of your stuff to the house

Continue the game from that point

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You got it, sssu1. I'd strongly suggest doing that in a batch file and then running the batch file, though. That's a lot safer than risking an errant keystroke while you're actually in the console to do this.


You may now commence to pounding your forehead against the wall.


edit: My post crossed with bben. That's the second time this has happened to me, today. Anyway, the manual entry solution is if you want to continue your game from your current save. bben's solution will let you continue your game from a previous save. Depending upon how much time has passed you might want to try to salvage your current game. If not, the clean save routine with your stuff stored elsewhere is going to save you a lot of research and typing.

Edited by Moraevik
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Additionally... There area a few mods that allow you to summon chests and such, you could grab one of those, stash everything in that summoned chest, then unsummon it (I'm FAIRLY certain these mods keep the chest content when unsommoned, test it first though!) then trigger the house to reset, resummon and put everything back. Might be easier than messing around with console or batch files!
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As the problem is, that i don't know the exact trigger of the reset, but the first save where it is reset is over 15h before my current save, almost trough Dawnguard complitely. And there are items of over 160h save, so there are several tons of them. It will take a while to write up all of the ID:s of items.


How do you exactly use the batch file to speed up the console item spawning process? I have used those batch files on console before, but i am not sure about creating one.


Thanks for help everyone! :happy:

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Altrough i have everything i regularly need with me, so the chests in my house are just full of unused rare/crafting/decoration/collectibles, so i might think this as purification. I can spawn the needed crafting items when i need them, but the loss of all those unique items hurts.

But i think my morale can stand spawning these again when i need them for decorating my new house, because i have not needed any of them for a loooong time.

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