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The ultimate goal in skyrim


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skyrim's story line may be well not developed for those who is newbie, thinking the character as nothing else as a warrior who can absorb dragon soul and that the game finish when he kill the leader of dragon (logic). The truth is far complicated than that. Martin Septim is the character's grand grand grand, etc father. so unless pelagius the mad maked a baby with a khajiit (lol), i think that the character must be an imperial..... xD. now for those who ask themself between the legion and the stormclok, who is the best army, any newbie will say you have to be mad to join those who tried to murder you..... well the truth is far complicated than that, ok imagine you're the only dragonborn on nirn, so basically bot the blade and the imperial is yours (exept than this imposter, who taked your place, don't worry you'll kill him later xD) have done without asking what you think to you, the unthinkable, he let the talmor do their thing without doing anything. so your goal after killing every dragon, is to raise the blade army, and with that army, killing all the thalmor on nirn and stop the war, i can think the second great war to be something like that. Plus, the dragonborn is the best blacksmith of skyrim, imagine all of his armyes with a daedric armor on legendary (skill lvl 100 + blacksmith potion maked with an enchant on armor that give echanting bonus, so it give 33% of better smith per piece of armor, it's 4 in total, plus a 130% from a potion.... well my daedric mace do 540 damage and all of my daedric armor have 1500 armor rating, and i didn'T used glitch, or exploit to have this). only one guy with such an armor can kill a building of thalmor, now imagine all of your god damn follower to have each of them that armor, the talmor don't stand a f***ing chance xD. so as i said, with your blade's army, and the legion united, they will all die, and as a dragonborn, after you have killed that imposter, you can become the new lord of tamriel and restore the blade and the legion.
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No, the Dragonborn does not have to be related to the Septim bloodline. This is made quite clear by the absence of any information to that effect. The gods bestowed this power on "mortals" -- that just doesn't mean a single line of humans that culminated (and ended) in the death of Martin Septim. Besides, it would have been ludicrous to allow any player who is not playing an Imperial to be the Dragonborn, if that were so.


I do agree with a few points you made, though. IF, and that's a big "IF", the player chooses to concentrate upon enchanting and smithing, yes, the Dragonborn is the best smith in Tamriel, and could easily outfit an army that the Thalmor would stand no chance against. Besides, I wiped out the Thalmor embassy in my last play-through wearing fine-grade leather armor, a fine-grade Imperial bow, a fine-grade steel dagger, and novice-level spells. The Thalmor are not that tough as long as you don't have to deal with them in packs. A well-outfitted army of Nords (who have a lot to dislike about the Thalmor) should be able to run roughshod over the Aldmeri Dominion.

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Really? Because the ultimate goal of the Dragonborn, as far as I can see, is to free the Reach from the Nord stranglehold using the gifts of the Daedra and an unfathomable knowledge of the arcane.


I'm just saying, it depends on the player. ;) I'm sure not the best smith in Skyrim and I don't have the ability to outfit an army. Nor would I want one, for what that's worth. Although I could probably wipe out the Thalmor all on my own... Went through the Thalmor embassy on stealth alone without a single fatality. Drop my off on the Summerset Isles, war's completely averted...

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Um, I thought it was to collect calipers. Or was that someone else? I keep getting my Khajiits mixed up. (We all look alike to me, you know)


Seriously, though, what AnkhAscendant said is perfectly true. Each of us plays the game differently, and many of us play it differently each time we play the game. I've done play-throughs where I didn't even engage the Main Quest, short of the forced addition of the first part of the quest-line right out of Helgen. Dragonborn? Dragons? Shouts? Greybeards? Blades? What's with all that? I'm just a poor, misplaced hunter who would like to find my way back to Elsweyr so I can start a rebellion against the Aldmeri tyranny there.

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My latest playthough involves following the Khajiit Carvans around helping protect them and such until one of the inevitably dies. One of them will die soon, right? Right? Why must we khajiit be so perfect! I was hoping to use a dragon attack as my excuse to start hunting dragons (I kind of tuned out the first few hours and somehow came to Skyrim and was just MADE a thane upon stepping foot here. And J'Zargo was ALWAYS with us. But oddly enough... Khajiit caravans are REALLY powerful. The 6 of us can handle anything. If a Dragon doesn't kill somebdoy soon, I may have to pay a visit to Boethiah :sad:
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The Khajiits in the caravans are flagged essential. They cannot die. I role-played as a caravan guard in one of my play-thoughs so I've seen these guys in battle against everything from skeevers to dragons and know what they can do. Mortal enemies don't stand a chance against essential foes. You had J'Zargo along with you? That would be a kick-butt situation, since all the mage apprentices at the College of Winterhold make excellent mage followers. Their minimum level is 6, although I think they max out at 30, but before that they'll be one level ahead of you (assuming you're at level five or better). Did you know that one of J'zargo's primary skills is Heavy Armor? Go figure, but give him plate steel armor and he's a killing machine. You can also give him a one-handed weapon, since that's also one of his primary skills, but he'll be less likely to use his considerable talents as a Destruction Mage if you do that.
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He was rocking around in witchplate armor from the immersive armours mod with a baskethilt sword from JaySus Swords and a fireball ready. I was actually surprised to see how well his AI choose between the two in most parts. One of his main skills is one handed as well if memory serves, plus, how can you NOT like J'Zargo? Or any other Khajiit for that matter.
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Actually, the Dragonborns goal is to collect all brooms in Skyrim as well as exterminate all chickens. Everything else is secondary or collateral damage.



I thought it was to to collect cabbage and try to use fus roh dah from your bong hole :tongue: :thumbsup: [couldn't find the technical fancy name for your butt hole the one that sounds like orpheus to do with all natural body openings]

Edited by sinnerman69
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