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Follower will not stop talking


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Hi all


I am getting sick of the never ending mono log of my followers. They talk whilst you are talking to some one else.

The talk whilst I am sneaking up to knife the head bad guy. (That really spoils the atmosphere!)

Is there an option to turn their talking off? Or at least whilst sneaking?

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I generally take followers only to break their knee caps leave them for dead and collect an inheritance. You feel bad the first few times you find out that you were in their will, but that feeling goes away when you start rolling around in piles of gold.
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I generally take followers only to break their knee caps leave them for dead and collect an inheritance. You feel bad the first few times you find out that you were in their will, but that feeling goes away when you start rolling around in piles of gold.


Geeze, Boethiah's quest must have been really hard for you to stomach :P


Me, apparently I take followers just to use for firebolt target practice. :/ They're really good at that...


(Also slightly more on-topic, doesn't Cicero talk fairly incessantly too? I think that's just part of his charm though ^^ )

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