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Character generation.


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I've been playing german style Oblivion for about a month now. and have made ey little progress in the game. Mostly because i can never be happy, with my chracter. Trying to ply and honest gam to sav the world, seems impossible for me. and Eenually after one or two days. the same pattern happens. I use the console heaviliy and then make a whole new chacter. I wonder if this happens to th rest of you ad what can be done for e to find the one hero I need.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Whenever I decide to start playing Oblivion agian I always start with a new character. I just don't feel right jumping into the old one. I feel like I'm not in touch with that one anymore.


And when I start afresh I always go through several characters before I'm happy. Usually I'm just not satisfied with the appearance. Then I do one or two quests, fight a few enemies and see if I like the feel. If I'm not really happy I start over.


It's totally OK to do that cos this game really takes a lot of time to get through. If you aren't happy and comfortable with your character then you won't be enjoying yourself 20 hours into it.


I will usually spend quite some time making the character model. I think it's best to have one that cool and all but also unique. You want to stand out in the world. Look at pictures of other peoples characters for inspiration but don't copy them exactly.


Next choose a class that specialises in the skills that you like using. The important decision makers for me are usually the weapon type and armour type. Don't worry too much if the class has those "hard to level" skills like alchemy or armourer. You can always find a trainer somewhere if you really must level them up. But if it really bugs you then just make a custom class with just the skills you like. I've done that many times.


I would go through this process 3-4 times before I'm happy. However, to avoid wasting time so you can get out there and play the game, you should work in an iterative manner. Look at what you don't like and just change that.

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My character is a super good redgaurd. Never does anything wrong and helps everyone.

Then I did the malevolent mod which made my character evil and that was reason enough for me to turn to the dark side.

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Whenever I decide to start playing Oblivion agian I always start with a new character. I just don't feel right jumping into the old one. I feel like I'm not in touch with that one anymore.


And when I start afresh I always go through several characters before I'm happy. Usually I'm just not satisfied with the appearance.


From Reapersp17


Oh so true. I have my main character (a dark elf) and usually 1 to 3 others at any one time. With my main guy I just did everything, but now for example, when I do an evil character I do all the Dark Brotherhood then theives guild. Then I get bored and do everything else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm always making new characters mainly because I'm unhappy with the current. It drives me mental, some times I feel the need to start again before I've even made it out the sewers with the amulet of kings!


It so frustrating creating a character I'm truly happy with! :wallbash:


However, after dozens of retries, once I've got a character i'm happy with I feel awesome! :P

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