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Serana travel in bat form


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hi all,


today i had an idea but i have zero knowledge in modding so it will never happen.

i hope someone who likes my idea can make it come true. below is the idea.


i have serana, the 2nd most powerful vampire lord, the direct descendant of molag bal's blessing as a follower following me around

however, she just follow me as though she is like a 2nd rate citizen, running around when i am on ardvark, following me ON FOOT....


well, i can tolerate her not transforming to vampire lord because she might prefer to be seen as human (and she is pretty).

but if vampire lords like her father can travel short distances in bat form, why cant she?


It will be pretty cool for her to remain constantly as a colony of bats (like bat travel form) from dawn till dusk as she does not like to be seen by people.

And at night, she appears as human form when stationery and bat in-out when moving.


This ability makes her unique like ninja, blinking in and out short distances.


well, i do not know how difficult this is going to be but i remember seeing a video of bat travel, i think this might be possible.


thank you for viewing my post. =)

Edited by novadove
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