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Need mods that make skyrim enemies EXTREMELY powerful


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Here is the deal. I know I sound like a no-lifer but I have a skyrim character that is *INSANELY* overpowered and I'm not just talking regular late game strength anyone could get with grinding smithing for a couple days or having lvl 100 one-handed. I have the community uncapper mod or whatever it is called and I have set all the caps of skill levels to 100 thousand. I have worked and grinded smithing, and alchemy, and enchanting for about 10 months now. I am now at level 586 and am capable of dealing 900 trillion damage with an iron dagger from just smithing using only a smithing potion. (my armor is even more crazy) I have read up on all the well known mods like revenge of the enemies but is there a crazy mod out there or something I can change in the games files to just gives enemies like quintillions of health and damage for the skyrim power levelers that don't know when to stop? my skyrim character can one shot literally anything and cannot be hurt and I am way to attached to this character and would prefer to not have to make a new one unless absolutely necessary is it impossible to make enemies scale to that level? or should I just give up and start anew

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Here is the deal. I know I sound like a no-lifer but I have a skyrim character that is *INSANELY* overpowered and I'm not just talking regular late game strength anyone could get with grinding smithing for a couple days or having lvl 100 one-handed. I have the community uncapper mod or whatever it is called and I have set all the caps of skill levels to 100 thousand. I have worked and grinded smithing, and alchemy, and enchanting for about 10 months now. I am now at level 586 and am capable of dealing 900 trillion damage with an iron dagger from just smithing using only a smithing potion. (my armor is even more crazy) I have read up on all the well known mods like revenge of the enemies but is there a crazy mod out there or something I can change in the games files to just gives enemies like quintillions of health and damage for the skyrim power levelers that don't know when to stop? my skyrim character can one shot literally anything and cannot be hurt and I am way to attached to this character and would prefer to not have to make a new one unless absolutely necessary is it impossible to make enemies scale to that level? or should I just give up and start anew

I don't have a mod for you that will make enemies super powerful, but I do have a bit of advise for effectively doing the same.


1) use console command modav to reduce your health, stamina, and magicka


2) use a mod called lazy tools to reduce your armor and weapon ratings.


Alternatively, you could create a new game if you've modded yourself into godhood and found that being a god isn't quite as fun as you thought it would be.


best wishes



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Try wildcat. You can even adjust the damage given/taken per difficulty and the AI has improved. Added injuries to the game as well. I remember seeing a mod that allows enemies to use your mods magic as well and not the standard ones (don't remember the name).

Edited by Xellon100
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