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3rd person animation mods


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right, your all gonna think i'm crazy after this but hopefully someone will have the know how to fix my problem.


okay, so i just started modding my oblivion game today and i installed the following >>>

-3rd person animations in 1st person view by Loup Sombre

-BTmod 2.2 UI Customization Package by Beider

-Enhanced Water 2.0 HD by LprMan

-Enhanced Water 2.0 HD Shivering Isles Fix by halo112358

-Get Up Animation Replacer by OWASephirot

-Hand to hand animation fix 1.0 by tomfrankly

-Illumination Within Revived OMOD Ver. v0.9.2 by cydog2001

-Loading Screens Themed Replacer v1.0 by Trollf

-Better Gold by Vegabond

-Menu Video Replacement Scenery 1.0 by Rehevkor

-Natural Environments 2.1.3 by Max Tael

-Real Lava 1.3 by CptJoker

-Saddle Bags by Justin Sommercorn

-DMC Stylish v2.1 by beni

-Elven Map Redux v2.0 by Xythen


As well as Oblivion Mod Manager v1.1.11 & Oblivion Script Extender v0015a


With all of these mods installed the game ran fine, then i remembered a little youtube vid called Microsoft Sam plays Oblivion, in which MS Sam does some funky flips instead of the hover style jump animation ported with the game and I was like COOOL!! So i got the Amazing Jump mod v 1.1 by Ramy.

Instaled it and BLAM!

Every time I load my game, start a new game, w/e; me and the NPCs are stuck mid-way through the ground, spread out like an eagle (arms stretched out and legs straight and up).

What I can do is jump once (seeing the super cool flip once) then my feet are touching the ground but my character does not resume standing stance, nor can he move. However if i click attack he goes to standing pos, even if I'm in the ground he magically comes to ground level.

Now here's the real problem, I CAN'T MOVE!!!! I can rotate my character, but i can't swing my sword (note that when i clicked the attack key i never attacked then either, i only went to the standing stance), i can't cast, or anything else that requires some sort of animation (I can however put away my torch... woot).

So I removed the demon animations and...

SAME PROBLEM: except that now when i jump or click attack my character goes up then back in the ground half way :(


I was able to get back playing by removing all 3rd person animation mods (DMC Stylish, Get Up Animation, Amazing Jump, and Hand to Hand Animation fix)


Essentially, since the 3rd person modification directly affects the collision detection glitches like this can happen, but I want to know WHY!!!??? And how do I fix my game so I can use these mods like the other cool kids :P :thanks:


[My video card since it may be part of it]

BFG Nvida 8800 GT OC on Win XP Pro (i keep my drivers up to date tho)

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's possible some of those animation mods were confliciting with eachother.


If I were you, I'd load up each, one by one, and check each time in game if the error occurs. That way you can narrow it down to what is causing this.


You could also use OBMM's internal conflict detector or TES4edit to find red text areas that should explain any conflicts between mods. TES4edit is probably the better tool for this as it shows more info.

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