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2h to 1h change weapon


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I'm trying to change a 2h weapon to 1h.


In CK I change the animations to 1h sword, and equip type to righthand (tried eitherhand too).


Equipped to left hand works fine, but equip to right hand leaves it sheathed on the back.


Is there something in the .NIF that controls this?

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  • 1 month later...

Yes, that did it....


Thanks a lot!!!!!

You are quite welcome. ^^


Also, learned something else. You can't use the default WeapTypeXXX in keywords in the CK. You must change them to a corresponding onehand ID.


I changed the .nif, and still had problems, then I changed the WeapTypeWarhammer to WeapTypeSword, and it worked.


Unfortunately perks use these IDs, So there's no way I can tell to have a 1h weapon benefit from 2h perks (other than the bonus damage if you set Skill to TwoHanded) even if you change the nif.


So it appears two things govern equip skeleton: Nif keyword for WeaponBack to WeaponSword etc, and CK Keywords WeapType[some 2h] to WeapType[some 1h].


Very frustrating indeed.

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