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Mod to let you convince Mr. House to spare the Brotherhood of Steel


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If there's one thing I really hated having to do when working for Mr. House, it was blow up the Brotherhood of Steel's bunker. House wouldn't even consider the option for letting me spare them. :(


The kicker? Sparing the Brotherhood was SUPPOSED to have been an option for the player, but was cut from the game. Certain files show dialogue options that would've let the player convince House to spare the Brotherhood, if the player could pass a Speech check.


Source: http://fallout.wikia...ys_Wins_V#Notes


As such, I'm wondering if anyone has made a mod that adds this option back into the game. If not, then if someone could create a mod that allows this, it'd be great for those of us who don't want to kill the BoS, but still want to play House's game by his rules.

Edited by darkdill
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