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Cell making tool


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  • 3 weeks later...

Go to the cell window, go to "Interiors", right-click any cell, then click edit. After you've done that, there should be a new window, right-click any of those, and click "New." Put in the ID at the top for it, and then in the lighting tab, put any light template you want, or the default one, that is named "DefaultLightingTemplate." Go to the last tab (I forgot what the name was, I think it's, "Data"), and put in the names, press enter/click done. Once it closes, go back to the cell tab, put in the name of your cell/scroll through them and your cell, left-double-click, and you should be in your custom cell. You can drag items into there, and make your bunker, or whatever you want to make. Hope this helped.

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