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Construction Set installation


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Installshield keeps popping up with Error Code -5003 : 0x8004ace8. I'm installed in the steam directory. Been searching for this solution for awhile. The error window says finish other setups and close other apps. No dice. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling, nothing. Thanks for reading and any help.
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Which OS version?


I'm guessing Windows Vista or 7. In which case your problem is that you can't install anything to a folder under 'Program Files' after initial installation, as it's automatically considered 'malware'. You need to move your Oblivion game folder out of the 'Program Files' folder tree. Instructions at TESCOSI, including for Steam users. Before attempting to move anything, create a 'C:\Games" folder (or on any drive) and ensure your access rights and permissions are correct first. Create a test subfolder and file inside it (i.e. "C:\Games\testfolder\testfile.txt'), and then delete them to test that before you invest a lot of effort.



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