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Craft Ammo (not what you think)


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So I've been searching on the Nexus and on Google and my searches have not provided me with what I'm seeking. I like the idea of mass producing ammunition, especially since the manufacturing was put into the game via DLC. It seems logical to me that we should be able to do this, and we can with certain ammunition.

Some mods have added crafting tables to manually make bullets for certain calibers. However, I've noticed that these are scattered. I have 3 ammunition benches at 1 settlement, for example, that offer completely different methods of making different types of bullets (some can't even craft particular bullets).



So, I'm wondering: Why have the weapon mods out there not added their ammunition recipes to the Ammunition Plant that came with the DLC!!!?? I'm not sure if it's difficult to do, or if I've possibly missed a mod for it, but it seems like with all my searching I would have found it by now. Is this not possible? I did see a Reddit post about someone looking to do just that, but it was from a long time ago and had no indication of how it went for him.




Does anyone have a good solution to this? It's kind of a pain to hand-make 5.56 rounds 10 or 100 at a time for your M4, let alone ammo for your minigun.

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