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New twist on leveling problems


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When I level, I always level 3 times. First time I level takes me to 4.

-->It shows I've enough xp to level

-->I go to leveling screen

-->I have to pick stat increases 3 times

-->and then I have three perks to choose

I also seem to level extremely fast. Like every time I forge to items, or selling more than 10 things.


I googled it, but all I get are guides on exploits, so I thought maybe someone on here would have some idea as to what mod might be causing this.


Installed mods:

Arrows of Magicka

Ask Follower Skills

Bandanas and Blindfolds Revised

Bandanas of Skyrim

Blindfolds of Skyrim

Brawl Bug Plugin

Cicero Distance Fix

Cloaks of Skyrim

Deadly Combat

Dragonkiller Cart

Duel Wield Blocking Animations

Duel Wield Parrying

Duel - Combat Realism

Equip More Rings

Fight or Fly

Guard Dialogue Overhaul

Higher Enchantments

Immersive Armors

Interesting NPCs

JaySuS Swords

Lost Art of the Blacksmith

More Craftables

My Home is Your Home

Player Headtracking

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

Ultimate Followers Overhaul

Yngol Barrow Button


Everything is up to date, I also have Dawnguard and both the unofficial Skyrim and Dawnguard Patches

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