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Moving Brahmin to other settlements


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Edit: Apparently it is working with newly arrived Brahmin, The changes made in my mod must not effect existing Brahmin.


Hello all, I am trying to mod the Brahmin so they will move to other settlements like regular settlers but it doesn't seem to be working. I have activated the ability to move in the Brahmin's script as well as adding the allowmove keyword. In game I can get the prompt to press R and then assign them to another settlement but they never actually go there. If I use console at a settlement to moveto player, the Brahmin will stay at the new settlement once he is there, but he won't travel on his own. Any ideas what I am missing?


Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Edited by HerrKommandeur
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if you have edit the workshopscript from the bram, then it only works 100% with a complete new start, if i remember right, the script run only 1 time, with other words haf of the changes don't work in a existing game


although there are console commands that make it work, but you have to do that on each bram then

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