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So I'm trying to run ASIS and I keep getting an error message when I try to run the .jar file as per the instructions. :wallbash: This occurs whether or not I make changes in SkyProc here is a screen shot of the error.




I've contacted the member in question, no response (Been about 2 days now). The comment thread for the mod didn't seem to offer much help either. I noticed a few people out of the dozens of comments also had this problem, but there didn't seem to be a fix, or at least wasn't mentioned to anybody.


Here is a picture of the load order I've currently got. It's also worth stating that I'm using SKSE




The only thing I can think of, is perhaps this requires automatic variants, but it isn't a mod I would use. I suspect this because the user I'm told to contact is the one that makes the Automatic Variants mod. If this is in fact the problem, is there a work around I could do, or would I be required to use that mod? If it's not the problem, what is and how might I go about fixing it? Thanks in advance! :D

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