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Optimization help

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Hows it going, im making a new land mod and my FPS jumps all over the place, it is a very large city and i can be walking and have 60 fps then sudden drop to 20... is there a way to help this? any ideas would be great, i posted a few basic pics of what im doing, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/153341 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/153340

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If that area won't be a settlement that allows you to scrap things, I would recommend using the precombined and previs systems. Here is a good bit of info on them: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5522717-fallout-4-optimization-and-performance-systems-explained. The OP has a link for a video guide, along with tons of info on the systems.


You can also place occlusion planes in the buildings, though I am not sure what that would involve. I believe it is a type of primitive you can place, but am not certain.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The above mentioned system is the ideal way to go. I personally couldnt get occlusion planes to work, but I can speak on occlusion cubes. If you have buildings that are large empty static models, placing occlusion cubes within them did help a lot for me. There is a button on the toolbar next to the occlusion planes button, and then shape it to your building.
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