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I am stupid-please help


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I got a new hard drive and had to start Skyrim again because my backup failed. The problem is that since I am left handed I had to reconfigure the controls to make it easier to use them. I did this and had no problem until I inadvertently configured the Escape button on my computer to be essentially non-functional. I figured I was stupid and all that I would have to do is redownload Skyrim from Stream and that would take care of the problem. Unfortunately, it did no good at all; it seems I can't get rid of that configuration no matter what I do. Please help me! Note: I am disabled and if you feel a need to make fun of me go ahead.
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I've never done any keyboard remapping in Skyrim, but I'd bet this is stored somewhere in one your .ini files. You have two that a fresh download of Skyrim probably don't touch. They're both in your "My Documnts/My Games/Skyrim" folder by default. One is Skyrim.ini and the other is SkyrimPrefs.ini .


You might want to check out those. My guess is that you can just delete them and when you restart the game it will put both of them back in with all their default values. You might want to back them up, first, just in case, though. Do NOT touch the Skyrim_default.ini in your game install folder.

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