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On Activate Summon Werewolf


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It looks like it should work from here... So... Properties included in an .esp will not work if the .esp had already been initiated in an earlier save. As you are testing your mod, are you always starting with a saved game that existed before you installed your mod? If not, that is likely the problem. You'll need to make a 'clean save' for yourself so that you can properly test your mod.


If that isn't the issue, then I'd really have to see it all in front of me to figure out what the problem is. Again, I would be happy to look at it.



Still nothing froma clean save. Do you use Steam's Workshop? I have the mod uploaded there viewable by friends only. i can add you as a friend.

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OK, I've never DL'd anything there but my id is



I'll try it out.

Done, added as friend u can noe see the mod The Road to Vampville, that's the one. Convenient to use Workshop as I would struggle to find all the scripts, retextured items, and modded objects I made. Workshop packs them and uploads them.


Once you have it to go directly to the cell where the gravestone is coc andgraveyard this might teleport you into a tree so coc stoneship will teleport you into the adjacent cell to the graveyard.


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OK, I have it, and am looking at the .esp... You've got a lot of work put into this!! Anyway, I cannot locate the cell andgraveyard... which exterior tab is it under? Since you put the script directly on the reference that exists there, I have to open the cell render window to look at it.



EDIT: Nevermind, I found it.

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I figured out what the problem was!!


You need to name the gravestone... its name is currently blank in your version. This is something I did not know either... apparently an activator without a name is not an activator. I just gave it a name after trying several other things and blamo, I was able to activate it and Wolfgang appeared. :thumbsup:

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I figured out what the problem was!!


You need to name the gravestone... its name is currently blank in your version. This is something I did not know either... apparently an activator without a name is not an activator. I just gave it a name after trying several other things and blamo, I was able to activate it and Wolfgang appeared. :thumbsup:

Ok got it. Gave it a name in the editor and it works even though Wolfgang spawns on top of me.

Edited by antstubell
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