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All models appear black when having it view model with textures in blender


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First you change one of your windows to the UV/Image Editor. It's important that you have the object selected and that you are in Edit Mode.



The object needs to have a UV so it knows how to apply the texture (this is only a concern if you make models from scratch or change a model significantly).

Klick on Image and Open and browse to where your textures are stored, these can't be in a .bsa I think but I always worked with loose files so far so I haven't tested it.




I select the texture.




And it should look like this, note that the UV is flipped because I converted this mesh to a nif and this can happen sometimes. I used mirror to flip the UV on the Y Axis.




After that I select to display the object with textures. When you export it it won't have the texture paths set though but it's easier to set the paths in Nifskope anyways.




I hope this helped, if you have any other question then feel free to ask me!

Edited by AusAllerWelt
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Do I need to convert it to a nif first? As I did what you said and I got this, but I realize that I probably got this result due to me having messed around with it.

Edited by PizzaKats
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So I then erased all reopen the file went to UV Editor, without having opened a image, but after I selected the file It showed these options and one that I had selected was look for texture paths or something. I don't know it that effects it at all. I had to crop a bit of the picture and cut it in to two separate parts due to the 250KB limit.

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