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Upgraded to Windows 10 - Oblivion's Water is missing


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I read somewhere about dx files missing and that may be the cause. I honestly can't begin to guess what the problem would be exactly. Any people more versed in this that would know what this situational problem is?


I went from Windows 7 64 Pro to Windows 10 64 Pro and every game i've had installed before loads up and plays just fine. Except for Oblivion. I read about the Water Ripple effects set to 'Off' being a quick fix. Nope, not here. I actually had it off originally.


What dx files could I possibly be missing for Oblivion to not work properly? I have Oblivion Reloaded installed.


00 Oblivion.esm
01 All Natural Base.esm [Version 1.36]
02 RealisticLeveling.esm
03 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.5.4a]
04 Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
05 DLCShiveringIsles.esp
06 Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.5.8]
07 Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp
08 All Natural.esp [Version 1.36]
09 All Natural - SI.esp [Version 1.36]
0A All Natural - Real Lights.esp [Version 1.36]
0B OblivionReloaded.esp
0C OblivionReloadedArenaCombat.esp
0D DLCHorseArmor.esp
0E DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.8]
0F DLCOrrery.esp
10 DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.6]
11 DLCVileLair.esp
12 DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.11]
13 DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
14 DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.7]
15 DLCSpellTomes.esp
16 DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.1]
17 DLCThievesDen.esp
18 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.14]
19 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp [Version 1.0.13]
1A DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
1B DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.12]
1C DLCFrostcrag.esp
1D DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.10]
1E Knights.esp
1F Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.1.8]
20 Natural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.esp
21 Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells.esp [Version 1.2.5]
22 Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp [Version 2.0]
23 Bashed Patch, 0.esp

Edited by Prenihility
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Ya man! ENB compatibility is another reason why I no longer use OR. OUT is Oblivion Upscaled Textures. No idea how the dude made it, but they are very high res reworkings of the original textures, as I interpret. So no change in art style, but makes the game look much higher quality and sharp. It is a pretty new mod, so relatively unknown. I think the whole package is an uncompressed 9.5GB. Only does not cover some very specific things, like LOD. Check it out:



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Well I don't know what the correct setting to change would be. I set Water Shader to 0. I now have visible water again. But only when viewed from the top (surface) and it's opaque. No more transparency -_-. It also appears invisible when underwater.


I have a feeling some OR freaks know what's going on.

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@ Prenihility;


Make a back up of your OR ini. Then copy and paste the following over it all.




; Keycodes. Use the "Dec" value from the list below.

; Hex Dec Button

; 0x01 1 Escape

; 0x02 2 1

; 0x03 3 2

; 0x04 4 3

; 0x05 5 4

; 0x06 6 5

; 0x07 7 6

; 0x08 8 7

; 0x09 9 8

; 0x0A 10 9

; 0x0B 11 0

; 0x0C 12 Minus

; 0x0D 13 Equals

; 0x0E 14 Backspace

; 0x0F 15 Tab

; 0x10 16 Q

; 0x11 17 W

; 0x12 18 E

; 0x13 19 R

; 0x14 20 T

; 0x15 21 Y

; 0x16 22 U

; 0x17 23 I

; 0x18 24 O

; 0x19 25 P

; 0x1A 26 Left Bracket

; 0x1B 27 Right Bracket

; 0x1C 28 Enter

; 0x1D 29 Left Control

; 0x1E 30 A

; 0x1F 31 S

; 0x20 32 D

; 0x21 33 F

; 0x22 34 G

; 0x23 35 H

; 0x24 36 J

; 0x25 37 K

; 0x26 38 L

; 0x27 39 Semicolon

; 0x28 40 Apostrophe

; 0x29 41 ~ (Console)

; 0x2A 42 Left Shift

; 0x2B 43 Back Slash

; 0x2C 44 Z

; 0x2D 45 X

; 0x2E 46 C

; 0x2F 47 V

; 0x30 48 B

; 0x31 49 N

; 0x32 50 M

; 0x33 51 Comma

; 0x34 52 Period

; 0x35 53 Forward Slash

; 0x36 54 Right Shift

; 0x37 55 NUM*

; 0x38 56 Left Alt

; 0x39 57 Spacebar

; 0x3A 58 Caps Lock

; 0x3B 59 F1

; 0x3C 60 F2

; 0x3D 61 F3

; 0x3E 62 F4

; 0x3F 63 F5

; 0x40 64 F6

; 0x41 65 F7

; 0x42 66 F8

; 0x43 67 F9

; 0x44 68 F10

; 0x45 69 Num Lock

; 0x46 70 Scroll Lock

; 0x47 71 NUM7

; 0x48 72 NUM8

; 0x49 73 NUM9

; 0x4A 74 NUM-

; 0x4B 75 NUM4

; 0x4C 76 NUM5

; 0x4D 77 NUM6

; 0x4E 78 NUM+

; 0x4F 79 NUM1

; 0x50 80 NUM2

; 0x51 81 NUM3

; 0x52 82 NUM0

; 0x53 83 NUM.

; 0x57 87 F11

; 0x58 88 F12

; 0x9C 156 NUM Enter

; 0x9D 157 Right Control

; 0xB5 181 NUM/

; 0xB8 184 Right Alt

; 0xC7 199 Home

; 0xC8 200 Up Arrow

; 0xC9 201 PgUp

; 0xCB 203 Left Arrow

; 0xCD 205 Right Arrow

; 0xCF 207 End

; 0xD0 208 Down Arrow

; 0xD1 209 PgDown

; 0xD2 210 Insert

; 0xD3 211 Delete

; 0x100 256 Left Mouse Button

; 0x101 257 Right Mouse Button

; 0x102 258 Middle/Wheel Mouse Button

; 0x103 259 Mouse Button 3

; 0x104 260 Mouse Button 4

; 0x105 261 Mouse Button 5

; 0x106 262 Mouse Button 6

; 0x107 263 Mouse Button 7

; 0x108 264 Mouse Wheel Up

; 0x109 265 Mouse Wheel Down

; NOTES: Mouse buttons and wheel are not allowed for the Menu



FoV = 0

WaterReflectionMapSize = 512

WaterManagement = 1

AnisotropicFilter = 0

FarPlaneDistance = 160000.0

ScreenshotPath = \Screenshots

ScreenshotType = 1

ScreenshotKey = 51

FPSOverlay = 0

ShaderModel3 = 1

NVIDIAPatch = 1

RendererBoost = 1

CustomEffects = 0

FrameRate = 1

SaveSettings = 1

MountedCombat = 1

CameraMode = 1

EquipmentMode = 0

SleepingMode = 0

GrassMode = 0



Average = 30

Gap = 3

Delay = 10

FadeStep = 0.5

FadeMinObjects = 5

FadeMinActors = 5

GridStep = 2

GridMin = 5



HUDReticle = 2

ChasingFirst = 0

ChasingThird = 0

OffsetX = 0

OffsetY = 16.4

OffsetZ = 1.9

NearDistanceFirst = 2

NearDistanceThird = 10

DialogFirst = 1

DialogThird = 2

DialogOffsetX = 30.0

DialogOffsetY = -15.0

DialogOffsetZ = 5.0



ShieldOnBackPosX = -5.0

ShieldOnBackPosY = 5.0

ShieldOnBackPosZ = -10.0

ShieldOnBackRotX = 0.0

ShieldOnBackRotY = 270.0

ShieldOnBackRotZ = 15.0

WeaponOnBackPosX = 3.0

WeaponOnBackPosY = 0.0

WeaponOnBackPosZ = -2.0

WeaponOnBackRotX = 15.0

WeaponOnBackRotY = 15.0

WeaponOnBackRotZ = 5.0

TorchOnBeltPosX = 0.0

TorchOnBeltPosY = 0.0

TorchOnBeltPosZ = -15.0

TorchOnBeltRotX = 90.0

TorchOnBeltRotY = 0.0

TorchOnBeltRotZ = 0.0

TorchKey = 21

SleepingEquipment = 0

SwimmingEquipment = 0

CombatEquipmentKey = 260



Rest = 1

RestMessage = You must be in a bed to rest.



EnableWater = 1

EnableGrass = 0

EnablePrecipitations = 0

EnableHDR = 0

EnablePOM = 0

EnableSkin = 0

EnableTerrain = 1

EnableBlood = 1

EnableShadows = 0

EnableNightEye = 0



EnableUnderwater = 1

EnableWaterLens = 0

EnableGodRays = 0

EnableDepthOfField = 0

EnableAmbientOcclusion = 0

EnableColoring = 0

EnableCinema = 0

EnableBloom = 0

EnableSnowAccumulation = 0

EnableBloodLens = 0

EnableMotionBlur = 0

EnableLowHF = 0

EnableWetWorld = 0

EnableSharpening = 1

EnableSMAA = 0



Font = Calibri

TextColorNormal = 180,180,180

TextShadowColorNormal = 50,50,50

TextColorSelected = 255,255,255

TextShadowColorSelected = 50,50,50

TextColorEditing = 255,100,50

TextShadowColorEditing = 50,50,50

TextSize = 22

TitleX = 60

TitleY = 120

TitleRect = 800

X = 80

Y = 160

Rect = 250

ExtraRect = 50

RowSpace = 4

RowsPerPage = 30

KeyEnable = 24

KeyUp = 200

KeyDown = 208

KeyLeft = 203

KeyRight = 205

KeyPageUp = 201

KeyPageDown = 209

KeyAdd = 78

KeySubtract = 74

KeySave = 28

KeyEditing = 156

StepValue = 0.1

Decimals = 4



EnableHealth = 0

EnableFatigue = 0

HealthCoeff = 0.5

FatigueCoeff = 0.5



Enabled = 0

Time = 300

PurgeTextures = 1

PurgeCells = 1

Key = 88



CompileShaders = 0

CompileEffects = 0

TraceShaders = 0




That is my personal OR ini settings. Most stuff is disabled. But there are some fps managers active to be aware of. If this doesn't help restore your old ini.



I should also mention this will also enable horse combat, body visible in 1st person, dialog camera tweaks, and terrain shaders.

Edited by ReverendFelix
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