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Easiest way to change to Ultimate Edition?


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Hi. Ive been playing NV for a long time, and have a ton of mods active. Then i found the Ultimate Edition on sale, and got it, didnt have any of the add-ons before that.

So, Id like to know how it would be easiest to change to the UE? Should I uninstall the game and mods, and start from scratch? Whats the easiest way to uninstall the whole game+mods, so I wont get into any problems later, from partially or incorrectly uninstalled stuff?

Oh and how about FOMM? Do I have to reinstall it too, or will it understand the UE when I install it?

Edited by Kleppo
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There is absolutely zero difference between the "Ultimate Edition" and the regular game + all of the DLC.


Just copy everything in your Data folder over.


Yes, but I mostly ment mod-wise. Some mods dont seem to cope with DLCs, some need all the DLCs, some need patches and stuff for the DLCs etc etc.

Is there a way to just install the DLCs from the UE disc? And then try to install the DLC-specific mod files.

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