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Make temporary companions from faction members when leader


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As the current general of the Minutemen, It's been bothering me when I'm out on a particular quest, and I could use some help, and there is a Minutemen patrol where I am, and they address me as "Sir" and "General" that I can't order them to assist me, *especially* when the quest is Minutemen related. It would be great to have a very simple set of choices when speaking with a Mintueman soldier, something like, "Soldier, form on me!", "I need gear" (if you need weapons, ammo, food, water, aid, whatever) and "You're dismissed". I can't think of anything else. Basically, you tell them to follow you, and they do until you tell them they're dismissed (after which they return to what they were doing). And when you ask them to give you something, they give you whatever you want, up to and including the shirts off their backs. You are the general for f**k's sake. Of course, this same system should also be available to you for any faction you're the leader of (but not beforehand, being a member is not enough, you have to be the leader outright or be of a significant rank).




Anyways. I'm not a modder, so I have to rely on people who can actually make these things.


Thanks for reading.

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