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My PC doesn't run fluidly the latest ENBs. Is that normal?


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Any experienced one is welcome. Here are the specs of my laptop


Model: Asus g75vw

Processor: Intel Core i7 3610qm CPU @ 2.30GHz (8 CPUs), ~ 2.3GHz

RAM: 8 Gb

Graphics: Nvidia GTX 670M, 2.7 Gb


Now, the only ENB it runs smoothly with is the .108 TrueHDR, whereas if I try and install the .112kage or tatsudoshi, or .119, the fps drop very significantly.

Is this normal? Or should I change some Nvidia settings? Or is it the RAM which can't handle it? I think it's a graphics issue.

Thanks in advance, my good people


If you need any extra info, ask away!

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Completely normal. The reason the 0.108 runs smoother is because it is a "lite" ENB without some of the effects such as SSAO. Less effects = less quality but improved performance.


You can easily disable some of the more fps intensive effects in the other versions as well. SSAO, DOF, and Detailed Shadows are the biggest offenders. I hear SkyLighting in 0.119 is a little fps heavy too but I'm not a big fan of it myself so I disable that first thing anyway. So not positive about the performance of that particular setting.


To disable effects just go in the enbseries.ini and you will see this section:







EnableDetailedShadow=true<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Set to false if needed


EnableDepthOfField=true<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Set to false if needed

EnableAmbientOcclusion=true<<<<<<<<<<<<<Set to false if needed





An alternative to this is using this mod to disable SSAO and/or DOF on the fly with a quick button press for regular gameplay and enable them again for screenshots.





And because you use Nvidia you can also try our recommended Nvidia Inspector settings for good performance and quality. There is a screenshot of this in our Countervibe ENB download files. Not recommending you use ours, these work well with every ENB I have tried. While you are there you can also look in our Troubleshooting Section located in the Discussion tab. (Right by the comment tab) There are some performance tips in there too that should help. :thumbsup:

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Skyrim in itself is pretty graphics heavy. Skyrim + ENB shader + mods with high resolution textures is very taxing on any system - I run a beastly rig with double the strength of yours and I still get severe framerate drops when I fire up a pretty ENB.


Depth of Field and Ambient Occlusion are the worst offenders, you should start with disabling those from the ENBseries text file.

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thanks guys! DO you happen to know ifthere is any way to keep the DOF and lens flare? Those are my favourite effects. I don't care about the SSAO (since i don't even know what it is xD) nor the ambient occlusion nor the shadows. Besides, it seems weird that the DOF takes so much fps, since i tried using DYNAVISION with no fps loss whatsoever. What do you say? Can I keep DOF and disable SSAO, Ambient Occlusion and Shadows?
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Yep, no problem at all. The reason Dynavision doesn't make an fps hit like ENB DOF is because it is not nearly as intense or advanced. More of a "fake" DOF effect. ;)


Just set the enbseries.ini exactly as I have it below and you can use DOF without SSAO or Detailed Shadows. (This is a 0.119 version of ENB, if using an earlier one you may not have EnableSkyLighting and/or EnableDetailedShadow depending which version you choose.) :thumbsup:












Edited by Staind716
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That's because ENB doesn't work without the d3d9.dll binary. All of them take one to run. If you notice when you launch without it you won't have the message appear in the top left corner about ENB. When you do you will. That means ENB is active and working. You also won't have any change in the graphics without it. :thumbsup:


Since you are using Countervibe I can help you quite a bit since that one is ours. Which performance version did you install?

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I installed the standard version. I tried also the performance version, but the game still lags evidently. My preference would be to keep the fps at a minimum of 30, but with countervibe it's clearly less. What do you suggest?

Regarding the d3d9.dll, my point was, if i install the other files from another ENB but keep the OTHER d3d9(from the trueHDR) the performance hit doesn't occur, yet you can clearly see the graphics are not right, but the moment i install the appropriate d3d9(Countervibe one) the graphics are set, but there is a big fps hit...i don't know if i was clear...

Edited by Leopoldo
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