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Please Save the Mod Authors!


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Almost every mod discussion area i come across has some guy yelling unfairly at a mod author that his download with NMM is coming up incomplete and blames the mod author for it. I'm not yelling at the NMM to be fixed, can it be made more obvious though to people that they can download mods manually and add them to the NMM.


It's so stupid, this system is most sufficient and so easy, downloads never break, the NMM even has this system in place, but is there a way to shove this message in users faces, make it more noticeable in NMM, get Gopher to make a video of it, flash it across the Nexus website :psyduck:


It would free up discussion topics for more relevant questions that mod authors probably miss sometimes as they roll their eyes at these boring attacks, cheers. ;)

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It's a good idea. Problem is many of the people complaining are people who pop in, grab mods, don't read readme's and only come back to complain. Same ones who often have a conflict that was explained in the readme they didn't read. Those particular folks probably wouldn't see the info if it was on the header page surrounded by a flashing neon banner :facepalm:


Just a user myself, but this is what I've seen. It's got to be frustrating

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Here it is - feel free to use this link whenever any one complains about not knowing how to manually download or how to install a manually downloaded mod using NMM :whistling:



This is included in my ever growing troubleshooting blog http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4751769/1/#new


Now accepting submissions for inclusion. :thumbsup:

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Here it is - feel free to use this link whenever any one complains about not knowing how to manually download or how to install a manually downloaded mod using NMM :whistling:



This is included in my ever growing troubleshooting blog http://s1.zetaboards.../4751769/1/#new


Now accepting submissions for inclusion. :thumbsup:


Right you are, it is an excellent resource. Complaining about complainers... :facepalm: My bad.

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Ha, i would feel like an absolute troll for putting this link up on so many mod pages, not to mention most people read the first page of the comment section then give up on finding their answer. :rolleyes:


I have it copied though, it will be a most popular link i feel, though i'm still gonna give Gopher a poke. :biggrin:



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A Gopher vid tutorial on this would be great, Some people can learn from a vid better than from a written procedure - I'm one of the ones that prefer a written tutorial for most things. :blush:
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