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A Skyrim Horror Story


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So, I have been searching around for any horror themed mods for Skyrim out there, but so far it's been things like a ghost town, or a zombie mod, or just a re-texture. I had a wild idea for a quest line or just a long quest with various modifications to the game to create the perfect atmosphere.


Now, here's my problem. I have no knowledge of coding, and no experience of modding anything when I don't have every single file laid out for me in organized folders on my computer.

The idea I had was going to involve inserting new music and a new enemy, along with new locations and quest(s).


I have a story plotted out, just no way of making it happen on my own.


If someone would like to help me with this, I'll need all the help I can get.

This may end up being ignored and I end up trashing it, or I might just be stubborn enough to get it done on my own over the course of maybe a year or whatever it takes. I'd like to make this a reality though.


The idea I had for a story is a little fuzzy, and created over the course of a day, but I have a few parts planned out. (It isn't very lore friendly at the moment, it sort of took off in it's own direction.)


It starts out with a couple of men (one whatever, and one a khajiit) asking you to retrieve an important item for them from a hag-raven it was stolen by. This will lead you to retrieve the item from the hose seemingly belonging to a hag-raven, but you find the place nearly empty until you discover an underground passage. The passage leads you down through a few normal cave enemies until you reach a small pit filled with various shiny things of value, and not of value. When you pick the item up, it speaks to you in a whisper (like Merida's beacon does when you first pick it up.) and though you can't hear much of it, it sounds to be in an urgent tone.

You return the item to the two men and they go their own way, giving you your pay.

A day or so later, the courier delivers a message to you written by the man who sent you on a quest earlier (not the khajiit, but the other one). It starts out an urgent note telling you that the relic has chosen you, that you must return it to a certain place. However, quickly progresses into mad rambling before cutting off abruptly. Along with the letter, the courier delivers the relic to you. This time the relic speaks a bit louder, a plea for help, and the same urgent message the man wrote.


(The next few parts are a little bit fuzzy on the details)

After that, you are directed to a black house in the middle of nowhere, Inside the house is nearly empty. The place is in disrepair and there are bodies of sabre cats (or house-cats if I can get a model for one) strewn across the ground. Upstairs is a small library, and there are locked (requiring a key) doors around. One door is broken down, and it leads to an underground cellar. Through a crack in the cellar wall is what seems to be the place for an ancient ritual. The center piece is pulled aside and allows you to go down farther.

Exploring a little through a cave leads you to something like an abandoned small town with many mutilated skeever laying around and more so walking around. However, the thing that most demands attention is a huge pile of skeletons in the center, with more strewn about in a panic. (Very much inspired by "The Rats in the Walls" by H.P. Lovecraft), After defeating the skeever, there is a long pitch black corridor that collapses before getting to the other side.


The rest is really fuzzy, however, somewhere soon, you end up meeting with the khajiit from before and he shows you to a makeshift camp he made and you go to sleep. When you wake up, your armor is gone, leaving you in some sort of common clothes, and your weapon is gone. So is the khajiit, but he left you a torch to see by. You go off to find him, finding a few new creatures from whom you must hide from, or fight with your fists. Coming to the end of the cave, you witness him offering up his body to an unknown force, which (to the unknown force's disgust) is mutated badly. The host and force talk for a moment about the relic you have before the force says that a sutible new body and the orb are nearby, and the new mutated khajiit starts to search for you. You then must find new equipment and fight it, or escape. (your original items will be at a chest by the exit)


So far that's my draft of ideas. I also had an idea that instead of an unknown force, it was either a kind of werecat, or an undead female khajiit. (Either one with an enlarged stomach with a gash through it.)


It does need some work, but it won't matter if I can't get the means to put it in the game anyway.


Anyone who is interested in helping, or just interested in seeing this happen, leave a reply with what you think. C:

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