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A request from a dying fanbase.


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Me and my pals were huge fanatics for the original Xbox titles Kingdom Under fire The Crusaders and Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes. The games had great and complex stories mixed with rts, hack and slash and rpg elements allowing for a great single player experience and damn good online. The art style is something we truly loved, and the metal music/theme made it that much more enjoyable. Is there someone out there who can create some of these armors that I loved and let my love for this fallen series be reincarnated into Skyrim?


Here are some images, please someone add these armors!


Kendal http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/16955/images/kuftc-human004.jpg


Gerald's Armor http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090201144904/kingdomunderfire/images/6/6d/Gerald.jpg


Walter http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/728434/images/kufh_walter.jpg


Rupert http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/article/647/647612/kingdom-under-fire-heroes-20050902032843198-000.jpg


Reigner http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/e3/0514/kingdomunderfire_screen016.jpg


Lienhart http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/16955/images/kuftc-dark003.jpg


I may have more for you, but I need to know if it is possible for someone to do this, please someone!

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