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What are you top 5 Stories in Skyrim SE?


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Hey guys. I wanted to know what quests are the most fun in this game. For example, would it be the mages guild quests? Dragonborn? Dawnguard?


If you guys can list your fav from fav to least fav, I'd appreciate it. This way I'll have a good idea what to tackle in this game.

Edited by Xellon100
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If I could also include mods, it would be:


1. The Dragonborn becoming Emperor in Rigmor of Cyrodiil

2. The Dawnguard DLC

3. The Darkened Steel Quest series from Interesting NPCs

4. The Blood of Kings Quest series from Interesting NPCs

5. The Republic of Maslea is a pretty good story.


Not part of Skyrim SE, but Enderal Forgotten Stories is an excellent story based on the Skyrim engine.

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Like Moksha8088, my first reaction was to list mod quests. I, too, would put Rigmor of Cyrodill at the top of that list.


But you're asking about vanilla quests...


1. The whole storyline with Serana is easily the most entertaining.

2. The civil war, though brief, is fun due to all the hacking and slashing.

3. The Miraak and Black Book quests, just because they're weird and challenging


Least favorite:

1. all the Thieves Guild quests. Except the one where you get to send their honcho to prison.

2. Boethia's Calling

3. And of course, all the tedious "go find 10 ____" gather quests.

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I've been enjoying the "Wenches of Skyrim" quests lately. (ie, save the wenches who got abducted by slavers" quests) The number of badguys you're up against is actually challenging, even more than many true "dungeon" battles, and the (effective) bounty is far more than the stock "kill the dragon at... or kill the giant at..." rewards.. The only drawback is that Tamriel seems to be getting more and more populated by bland, cookie cutter thots.


(imo, best done solely or with only one similarly leveled follower)

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