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2 handed weapons position on back


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Hello there all.


I am sure i'm not the only one who just HATES how 2handed weapons (axes and hammers) look on the back of a character. The handle sticking out this far is just unrealistic and looks stupid imo. I'd like to know if there exists a mod that lowers the position of greataxes and warhammers on a character's back a bit, so that they are about at the same position a greatsword would be.


I realize this is kinda the wrong board, I'm sorry, and I also made a thread about it in Mod Requests, but i figured maybe my chances of getting an answer are enanced this way, and i think it really wouldnt be a problem for someone familiar with the CK.

Edited by Monchegorsk
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I'm new to modding so take whatever I say with a grain of salt.


That said, I don't think what you're asking for is possible. Where the weapon sits on your back (or hip for 1h weapons) is dependent on the weapon's skeleton and if you mess with that you might find that it looks good on your back but is completely messed up when you hold it in your hands.

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