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Are there any realistic NPC overhauls? (ie, npc aren't always pretty)


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I know most people want everyone to look, what is in their opinion, good looking, and I see nothing wrong with that in a game. But having everyone looking pretty breaks my immersion more than anything. This is one of the most unrealistic phenomena you can have, even in a game with dragons and magic. I've been looking for an NPC overhaul that if anything would add more diversity to the game, not less. Different faces for sure, but different body shapes would be awesome too.


There are some fantastic overhauls that some wonderful modders have kindly shared with the rest of us, and even though I won't use them, I am grateful they exist. But I would love an NPC overhaul that incorporated the Fat Bastard and Chubby mods together (sparingly ofc) with other varied body shapes, and widely varied faces that are mostly rather average looking, while many are downright ugly and less are actually pretty. And even the pretty ones should range from mostly kind of cute to the extremely rare gorgeous NPC. I highly doubt there's anything exactly like this out there, but something even a little similar would be a great improvement to realism, and a great improvement to my immersion.


I'm betting this is such a niche desire (although I bet there are a lot more of us than people would ever guess) that I will have to learn to do it myself. But I'm maybe only half decent with adjusting/creating textures so far and may never be a good enough modder to make something like this. So if anyone knows of anything that sounds remotely like this, I'd love it if you leave a comment. Even just a 2k male texture replacer that doesn't make all of the men pretty would be a good start.


Thanks in advance for any help. ^-^



Edit: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76658

I decided to look at what I found already again, and this is my favorite, other than there are far too many good looking people for realism sake. But it's obvious the modder never set out to make everyone gorgeous at least, and I may just try this one and learn to edit some of them to better suit my personal taste. It certainly has a lot of interesting faces and I highly suggest checking it out.

Edited by Yfr
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