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FlameNode / AddFlames scripted campfires, fire barrels


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Hey guys


I was thinking about things like fire barrels and campfires and the functions addflames, removeflames, canhaveflames, etc. and how some torches in oblivion could be turned on and off via script.


Wouldn't it be cool if we had some meshes resources for campfires and barrels that had this functionability?


Just think, a script could then use the functions to like make fires have fuel that they can run out of and everything just think of it!


The only info I have is on this page : http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/FlameNode


and I know that bsxflags should be set to 19, and I think the flame has to be in a node named FlameNode0 or FlameNode1 etc.but besides that I'm stumped


any help?

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