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NPC Voice Varieties


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Playing through Skyrim, one of the things that really gets to me is the continual re-use of voice actors, and lack of different voices used by those voice actors. I'm not nearly the modder (nor patient enough) to take on a project like this, but would anyone be interested in doing a mass voice variety mod? By that, I mean a mod where a whole buttload of VAs are recruited to re-record vanilla dialogue for a lot of NPCs to increase the variety of voices in Skyrim. Obviously the ideal goal would be a one-to-one ratio of VAs/voices to named characters, but even if that proves impossible I think it would be worth increasing the number of voices in the game.


I am willing to help with any modding as long as you're willing to teach me how to use the CK; to help organize, direct, and edit the recording; and to provide voice acting myself. Would anyone be interested in taking this on?

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Thanks for the willingness to help and being the first person to bother to respond! I'm currently trying to find someone willing to do or teach me how to do the heavy modding work, but I'll definitely let you know when it's time to get things recorded!
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