TMushS Posted July 13, 2019 Share Posted July 13, 2019 (edited) I have this odd issue where I'll be playing the game for days (real time) and have no issues, then it'll crash upon a save. Any save (auto, quick, system menu, control panel etc.) But, what is odd is once that does it, regardless of which previous save I load up in the game, the next save on it will crash. I've tested this on unmodded skyrim, mod loaded, both with and without skse. and the first time it does the crash-save could be minutes or hours or days (real -time). the only thing that "fixes" the game to be able to save again, is a new game... this leads me to believe there is something different when one starts a brand new game, than one that is loaded up from another save. Something seems to be stuck in memory or cache after that first save wherethe game goes.. nope.. won't save again pal on this character. If I could figure out where the game clears its cache upon creating a new game, I may be able to find it and clear it manually. Anyone have any idea as to where and what that may be please? -Mush- Edit: I want to amend to this: I don't mean steam cache files, where you re-verify game integrity etc. that won't do anything. Plus, I've tried that and nothing changes. Edit: I also want to make note that, it's not that my game is unstable and it crashes.. i've run this with various mod setups for years and when it doesn't save-crash, it works without a problem. sure, i may get the occasional black screen load bug from time to time or a freeze but that doesn't prevent me from closing the game, re-starting, loading up a save and continuing on. no, this bug i get is specific to when the game crashes during a save (it doesn't happen often, but when it does just once, that's it. party's over) Edited July 13, 2019 by T-Mush-S Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TMushS Posted September 12, 2019 Author Share Posted September 12, 2019 bumping this to see if anyone may have any ideas? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anjenthedog Posted September 12, 2019 Share Posted September 12, 2019 Anecdotal blather but maybe it'll trigger some ideas for you to investigate. Sorry I can't offer much more. I had an issue after updating to 1.5.80 where I was running into that situation. I lost 36 levels to regain that character Everything from the current level 52 character down to level 167 were unusable I finaly found that a level 16 character worked. I also created a new character during the "fix" (waiting for updated mods) and he hasn't experienced any save issues, nor has the original character. Once I found the level that worked, (I could save, I could load, I wasn't encountering any weird CTDs, etc), I *did clean up the original character's save files using fallrim tools and purged a bunch of unattached scripts that were idling for some mods that I had uninstalled after the update (they hadn't been updated to 1.5.80/2.016 compatible versions yet. Some of the mods involved were never reinstalled, as I suspect they were problematic all along (OSA/OSEX for instance) due to poor programming. (there were a ton of scripts left over from that in my save file, but I hadn't used it more than once or twice after finding it cumbersome and well, at least imo, kinda silly complex...maybe for someone trying to create movies idk. but it wasn't worth the mess for me) So...I'd recommend installing fallrim tools and giving that a try to clean up your save file. Maybe you have some bum mods that are spawning garbage scripts. I've heard that some "ambiance" mods like one that puts a ton of birds into the environment generate a shitton of scripts that can choke a players save file. You'll *need to watch the how-to video on the description page to use it. after using it a few times (I run fallrim once and a while just to tidy up...stuff gets left over by glitches) it becomes easy(er) but at first it might seem a bit intimidating. Just follow the directions and don't do anything beyond what it says and you won't screw anything up. Can't guarantee it will *solve your issue but it might. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TMushS Posted September 12, 2019 Author Share Posted September 12, 2019 Anecdotal blather but maybe it'll trigger some ideas for you to investigate. Sorry I can't offer much more. I had an issue after updating to 1.5.80 where I was running into that situation. I lost 36 levels to regain that character Everything from the current level 52 character down to level 167 were unusable I finaly found that a level 16 character worked. I also created a new character during the "fix" (waiting for updated mods) and he hasn't experienced any save issues, nor has the original character. Once I found the level that worked, (I could save, I could load, I wasn't encountering any weird CTDs, etc), I *did clean up the original character's save files using fallrim tools and purged a bunch of unattached scripts that were idling for some mods that I had uninstalled after the update (they hadn't been updated to 1.5.80/2.016 compatible versions yet. Some of the mods involved were never reinstalled, as I suspect they were problematic all along (OSA/OSEX for instance) due to poor programming. (there were a ton of scripts left over from that in my save file, but I hadn't used it more than once or twice after finding it cumbersome and well, at least imo, kinda silly complex...maybe for someone trying to create movies idk. but it wasn't worth the mess for me) So...I'd recommend installing fallrim tools and giving that a try to clean up your save file. Maybe you have some bum mods that are spawning garbage scripts. I've heard that some "ambiance" mods like one that puts a ton of birds into the environment generate a shitton of scripts that can choke a players save file. You'll *need to watch the how-to video on the description page to use it. after using it a few times (I run fallrim once and a while just to tidy up...stuff gets left over by glitches) it becomes easy(er) but at first it might seem a bit intimidating. Just follow the directions and don't do anything beyond what it says and you won't screw anything up. Can't guarantee it will *solve your issue but it might.Just tried that too. same result. Even going back to a save at the very beginning won't let me save again on that character. I tried a new character, was able to play for the last few days and then it struck. save-game crash. the first character I was playing with lasted a full week real time so I've no idea what's going on. It's so random, I can't seem to pinpoint it.. yet the time before that, I ran 2 characters through the main campaign, all dlc's, all thane status' etc.. all guilds, lasted for a month before I created a new character. Amusingly enough, I never changed settings or mod lists. so, I flat up have no idea. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anjenthedog Posted September 12, 2019 Share Posted September 12, 2019 FWIW, most of the Skyrim ninjas seem to ask for a mod list/load order... that sort of stuff, so I'd suggest that you provide the diagnostic info. Some folks might be glancing here and just ignoring it due to the missing details they need to evaluate. Myself, if I was losing saves all the way back to square one, I'd reinstall and start with only the most "critical" and benign mods, tedious as it is. Good luck! erm, btw, just noticed a stupid typo on my part...the line "52 character down to level 167" should be "52 character down to level 16" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TMushS Posted September 12, 2019 Author Share Posted September 12, 2019 Yeah, I thought of that. Problem is I stopped using Loot years ago and have had stable runs aftwards. Also, a lot of my mods, I made myself or they are patches that I made for other mods. I'm also keenly aware of how xedit comes into play with my mod list so there may be a bashed patch and then a merged patch.. which most would say, no no no.. but I then edit both of those to come up with my own combination the two etc. Basically, It may look odd to most, but technically in my play and xedit it all works well. I also found something consistantly odd. If I at any point die, then usually right after is when a save-crash happens. Not immediately, but at any point if I died, more than likely, a save-crash will occur. what sucks is even if I go back to a time when I didn't die, my character will not save again. I'll reiterate what I said too, If I play a new character for a while, say a week or so, then the old character that had issues, no longer does. It's the oddest thing to pin point the cause. Here's the Load Order regardless:267 total plugins and about half of those are esp-lite files. # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmccbgssse002-exoticarrows.eslccbgssse010-petdwarvenarmoredmudcrab.eslccbgssse014-spellpack01.eslccqdrsse001-survivalmode.eslccbgssse035-petnhound.eslccedhsse001-norjewel.eslccbgssse037-curios.eslSAS.eslCustomINI.espUnofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.espBSAssets.esmBSHeartland.esmBSPatchSE.espBS_DLC_patch.espCampfire.esmGeneralStores.esmApachiiHair.esmApachiiHairFemales.esmApachiiHairMales.esmLCHB_HomeBase.esmFISS.espRSkyrimChildren.esmSkyUI_SE.espUnofficial Skyrim Survival Patch.espFirst Person Camera Height Fix.espImmersive Wenches.espVeydosebrom - Grasses and Groundcover.espSkyrim Flora Overhaul.espDeadlySpellImpacts.espNotificationLog.espSimplyKnock.espImmersive Sounds - Compendium.espCutting Room Floor.espBetterQuestObjectives.espHothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espGildergreen Regrown.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espdD-Reduced Splatter Size.espSkyHUD.espUIExtensions.espAddItemMenuSE.espXPMSSE.espAllThievesGuildJobsConcurrently.espIcePenguinWorldMap.espHearthfireMultiKid.espHarvestOverhaul_Redone.espquest_pitfighter.espquest_pitfighter_dlc01.espLegacyoftheDragonborn.espHarvestOverhaul_Redone_Creatures.espAchieveThat_SE_en.espQuickLight.espAHZmoreHUD.espJaxonzEnhGrab.espBetterQuestObjectives-CRFPatch.espBetterQuestObjectives-DBForevertoMisc.espCastle Volkihar Rebuilt.espPredator Vision.espComplete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.espImprovedRoads.espConvenient Horses.espSoundsofSkyrimComplete.espBlues Skyrim.espObsidian Weathers.espBlackthornManor.espDiversity - An NPC Overhaul.espOpulentThievesGuild.espImmersive Hold Borders SE.espPractice Dummies.espPoint The Way.espSOS_RLOInteriors_Patch.espSkyrimSewers.espBecomeABard.espCWRepairs.espLC_Citadel.espOakwood.espcs_Oakwood_RSchildrenPatch.espCFTO.espWinterhold Restored.espJK's Riverwood.espCampArgentum.espInigo.espApplesDog.espDarkwater Crossing.espComplete Pack.espCS_Housing_Wilderness.espAtlas Legendary.espShor's Stone.espCS_NotherHouse.espIvarstead.espCampVarglya.espKynesgrove.espHelarchen Creek.espCampNewZainab.espWhistling Mine.espKarthwasten.espSoljund's Sinkhole.espTelengard.espWinterholdBridgeFixed.espmihailmmaminotaur.espSlof's Unique Frost.espiNeed.espCS_Housing.espWildcat WHITE - Combat of Skyrim.espCS_GameSettings.espBlacksmith Forge Water Fix SE USSEP.espmihailwolvesofcyrodiil.espBetterQuestObjectives-AFTPatch.espExtended UI.espCoin Toss.espMoonlight Tales Special Edition.espCS_Werewolf Loot.espCS_MoonlightTalesTweaks.espSummermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.espCH Bruma Patch.espRSChildren Patch - BS Bruma.espRSChildren.espRSC Blackthorn Patch.espRSC CRF Patch.espRSC LotD Patch.espCS_BluesSkyrim_Surv_FoodPatch.espCS_GoldtoSeptims.espCS_ShadowArmor.espCS_LODB_ArmorPatch.espCS_LODB_SurvivalPatch.espcs_megasweetroll.espCS_MoreIngredients.espcs_NoEvictionDB.espcs_ReparationsNoMore.espcs_soulfragmentstosoulgems.espcs_thievesquestnoriften.espCS_TimeToRespawn.espGeneral Stores All DLC Addon.espBeards.esptcbm.espTGNoToNocturnal.espFNIS.espSMIM-Bruma-Patch.espGuard Dialogue Overhaul.esphonedmetal.espTakeNotes.espBarenziahQuestMarkers.espSurvival Mode Patches - Campfire.espRebalanced Leveled Lists.espJS Armored Circlets SE.espCS_ChangeFace.espCS_HorseNightmare.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.esp1nivWICCloaks.espDBM_CRF_Patch.espCS_AbandonedShack.espmihailcentaur.espLuminousAtronachs.espMissives.espThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.espCS_SurvivalMode_Tweaks.espJKs Whiterun exterior.espTheFloatingMarket.espbuildingmaterialsgodchest.espBetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch.espQw_BeyondSkyrimBruma_USSEP Hotfix Patch.espMorthalMillFix.espCS_BuildingChestCheatPatch.espCS_RichMerchant's Patch.espSkyDreamKittens.espSkyDreamMaidens.espSkyDreamMerMaids.espSerana Dialogue Edit.espMarry Me Serana.espCS_TagNTrackSE.espCS_StoragePack.espCS_SummerMyst-USEP patch.espCS_WinterholdRestoredPatch.espCS_GemCutter.espCS_BagOfHoldingSE.espDustEffectsSSE.espSMIM-SE-DragonbornTernFix.espFootprints.espUnique Uniques.espArmor of Intrigue.espDreamBurrowsRegalHuntsmanArmor.espWeaponsOf3E_SSE.espTavernGames.espSimple AUA.espHothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.espImmersive Speechcraft.espImmersive Wenches -Apachii hairs- Patch.espSoS_Obsidian_Patch.espBetterQuestObjectives - BCS Patch.espDBM_IA_Patch.espDBM_ISC_Patch.espDBM_RSChildren.espPacifist Mini-Mods Collection.espdD-No Screen Blood.espQw_BarenziahQuestMarkers_USSEP Patch.espQw_DeadlySpellImpacts_ISC Patch.espQw_ISC_USSEP Patch.espRUSTIC SOULGEMS - Unsorted.espQw_RusticSoulgemsUnsorted_ISC Patch.espMLPSoulGems.espMLP + ISC Patch.espCS_Surv_ExtraFood_Patch.espBijin_AIO-SV 2018.espOCW_Obscure's_CollegeofWinterhold.espOCW_AMM_FEPatch.espOCW_BSFWF_FEPatch.espOCW_DaNPCO_FEPatch.espOCW_BAiO-SV-18_FEPatch.espOCW_iN_FEPatch.espOCW_SoS_FEPatch.espOCW_WR2_FEPatch.espMCWT_ACollegeCoup.espMCWT_ACollegeCoup_OCW.espMCWT_ArnielsAppeals.espMCWT_ExpiditeTheExpirate.espMCWT_FriendlyFaralda.espMCWT_GovernableGatekeeper.espMCWT_MageLightMaintenance.espMCWT_TheAugursAdmonishment.espMCWT_UnflappableFaculty.espCS_Whispers of Words.espBijin_Frea-Iona.espcs_wenchesPatch.espImperious - Races of Skyrim.espOrdinator - Perks of Skyrim.espApocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.espApocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.espOrdinator - Beyond Skyrim Bruma Patch.espCS_OrdinatorTweaks.espCS_Ordinator-Harvest Patch.espHOR_OrdinatorPatch.espElemental_Staffs.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.espAlternate Start -- New Beginnings.espBetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.espCS_ResetPlayerHomes.espCS_Surv_CCOR_Patch.espDBM_RelicHunter.espAmazingFollowerTweaks.espAFT - Dragonborn Patch.espAFT_ManagedFollowerBoost.espAFT - USSEP Patch.espAFT_NoFriendlySpellDamage.espAFT_NoDances.espCS_DialogueTweaks.espcs_teleport.espCS_RheaNPC.espcs_appletreetest.espCS_Diversity_TCBM_Patch.espcs_obscure_DiversityPatch.espBecomeKingofSkyrim.espRealisticWaterTwo.espRealisticWaterTwo - iNeed.espBashed Patch, 0.espMO-SmashPatch.espCS_Overwrite.espCS_Leveled Lists Patch.espModern Brawl Bug Fix.espDragonCombatDialogue.espCS_PredatorHorsePatchFile.espiEquip.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TMushS Posted September 13, 2019 Author Share Posted September 13, 2019 wanted to bump this and add this again :"I also found something consistently odd. If I at any point die, then usually right after is when a save-crash happens. Not immediately, but at any point if I died, more than likely, a save-crash will occur. what sucks is even if I go back to a time when I didn't die, my character will not save again." I confirmed that just after I died by whatever means; an NPC kills me or I fall etc.. once that happens, the next 1 or 2 saves after will be a CTD. 5th character so far and that has been the case. Also, it can happen randomly if I did not die, but always happens if I had. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TMushS Posted September 13, 2019 Author Share Posted September 13, 2019 (edited) okay so this is what I know so far. 1.) when the game does not crash at all I am able to save as many times as I want, can go back to a previous save point, continue on saving, etc.. no issues.2.) If I die, then upon loading the game, either from desktop or menu or a reload, the next 1-2 saves will always ctd. 3.) Once a ctd upon save happens, that entire character, not just the save files, cannot be saved again successfully. 4.) It can't be saved game corruption because then #1 would show issues and not let me load or save.5.) If I leave the game alone for say a week or so, play another character and that is successful for a few days (real time), then I'm able to go back to the old character and continue on with successful saves. do you see what I mean by, what's going on here? I use MO2 and do not use any ENB. Edit: I want to add that this mod list has been used for months prior to these things happening without issue. The two major things that have happened and when they started to occur is 1.) skyrim updated and 2.) windows updated. I have rolled back skyrim to the previous version. (I keep full versions , bsa's and all in multiple backup drives just in case). didn't fix it so I just updated it. Got it to work by sheer luck for a few months again. Had created a few characters, played through multiple main quests, sides, etc.. no issues. I start playing fallout 4 for a few weeks, then come back to skyrim with a new character, and I get the save-crashes happening. I really have no idea how to pin point this thing down. Obvious I want to use mods, and like i said, I've used all those mods previously for months without issues. Then this happens again. edit2: Wanted to reiterate this too: I've tested this on unmodded skyrim, mod loaded, both with and without skse. so that rules out modlist issues. Edited September 13, 2019 by T-Mush-S Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anjenthedog Posted September 13, 2019 Share Posted September 13, 2019 No certain clue what's going on, but that's just plain bizzarre. ermm...skyrim updated. That's exactly when I began having troubles. I ended up uninstalling several mods I found suspect, as well as ensuring that every mod that was installed was fully up to date with 1.5.80/2.0.16 valid mods. And I had to step back many levels to regain my original character AND I had to push the save through fallrim tools to get things stable again. I presume you've visited the LL conversions thread and verified all your mods are up to snuff? AND.. that you didn't inadvertently install some LE mod along the way? (afaik, LE mods can really f things up due to addressing issues) I'm running out of ideas and really don't want to throw rabbit holes in front of you that might not apply. PS> I'd pitch out Windows as culprit. I've been updating windows with no issues. in any case, best wishes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TMushS Posted September 19, 2019 Author Share Posted September 19, 2019 Seem to have hopefully fixed the issue. So far, I've been able to play without a single crash for the last few days. Solution: Upgraded my video card. The previous one was about 10 years old and from time to time would give me some graphical glitches. New card can run the game at ultra without lag/stutter or crashes.. (knocks on desk). Guess the old card was on its way out so, glad I upgraded. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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