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Stopping bleedout early

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Does anyone here know of a way to snap an actor out of bleedout quickly? I have tried resethealthandlimbs() followed by playIdleAction(ActionBleedoutStop). The actor gets up, but then goes right back down for the rest of the 6-7 seconds and then gets up on their own. I'd like them to get up and stay up. I also tried restorevalue(health, 999) instead of resethealthandlimbs().



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iState_NPCBleedout ;Sets bleedout state.* ,?

SetAnimationVariableInt(), can't say, if works or not, and what are the values (probably, 0 is ok to cancel).


Interesting, i haven't found anything related to stimpaking a companion (it cancels Bleedout as well) and how to replicate it. Possibly, it's hardcoded?


PS. Or maybe they can stimpak themselves, while in bleedout? Like OnEnterBleedout - self.EquipItem(Stimpak)

Edited by hereami
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Bleedout occurs when an actor drops below a certain health value, as you know. Easiest way I can think of is to use the OnEnterBleedout event and restore their health to a point that brings them immediately out of bleedout. This needs to be on a script on the actor, or on the alias of an actor, or remotely(something I don't know how to do).

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I have tried this for companions, settlers and the player in a bunch of different mods. Once beleedout is triggered you just have to wait it out;


(ThisREF as Actor).ResetHealthandLimbs()
Int iBailout = 0
While ((ThisREF as Actor).IsBleedingOut() == TRUE) && (iBailout < 20)
   Utility.WaitMenuMode(1.0)  ;YUCK settlers bleeding, holotape is locked busy
   iBailout +=1
pPlayerActor.SetGhost(TRUE) ; stop OnHits
While (pPlayerActor.IsBleedingOut() == TRUE)
   Utility.WaitMenuMode(1) ; Bleedout lasts for ~10 seconds, teleport in bleedout kills the player
pPlayerActor.PlayIdle(pRaiderSneakStop) ;pop out of crouch if downed when sneaking
Edited by SKK50
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I have tried this for companions, settlers and the player in a bunch of different mods. Once beleedout is triggered you just have to wait it out;


Yep I think that's the inescapable conclusion. Best I was able to do is an OnEnterBleedout handler that calls ResetHealthAndLimbs() and then loop waits on IsBleedingOut, just like yours. I've tried the animation variable, applying stimpaks, etc, but the end result is always that if I make them do ActionBleedoutStop they just go right back down.


Ah well it's not the end of the world, I just wanted it to be snappier. Fading the game in and out hides a multitude of sins ;)

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