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It always seems to be pretty reliable to me. Maybe the circumstances cause your script not to kick in properly. I normally use scripted abilities on the player, but if I remember right you have been using them on NPCs? Any and all information could be useful.


If you would like to skip the investigation, a token would probably work just as well as a scripted ability. If not, we could try to look into this.

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mainly I was using scripteffectstart to run "set self to getself" and 'set timer to 0' basic stuff.


What I have now done to work around it is used gamemode and DoOnce. My section that was usually in scripteffectstart is now at the end of the gamemode block.

Using DoOnce and return in the appropriate places seems to have worked.


I don't have the time (or knowledge for some scripts - no obvious signs they're working) to test all the abilities as they should mostly only run in certain instances.

So the only ability I tested on was one to access the NPCs inventory. Just would not work. So now I've got it to work I've applied the same logic to all my other scripts.


Hopefully this is problem solved. Thinking on it tokens would probably of been the more simple way to do it... nevermind

Edited by cfh85
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