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Devil May Cry 5

[mod request] nero 'ichigo vasto lorde' devil trigger


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after doing some research i learned that nero's English voice actor Johnny Yong Bosch is also the voice actor for ichigo kurosaki from the anime bleach (this is important because kyrie's va plays ichigo's love interest/future wife in the same anime)


i'm wondering why nobody has modded nero's Devil Trigger to resemble ichigo's vasto lorde form (or at least recolor it to match)


i think it would look extremely bad-ass especially with the effects of the devil breakers


(ill also take a moment to mention the necessary color changes to the devil breaker effects to match but beggars can't be choosers)


I've seen several good bleach mods for this game including ichigos zangetsu (shikai and bankai) as well as an ichigo themed costume, i see no reason why it hasnt been done yet


(i know nothing about mod making so if its due to technical/mechanical difficulties please explain so i understand)

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