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Smelting and Tanning give Smithing experience


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It has been a while since I played Skyrim ( more than 3 mouths) but if I remember correctly for Smelting and Tanning you don't get Smithing experience and this is WRONG because this also must be(in my opinion) an experience gainer.

I think I seen once a mod who do that (also let you if I remember correctly smelt back armors in ingots) but I am not sure which one is ... as I said it has been a while since I played Skyrim .

Can anyone point me to that mod PLEASE ? :)

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It has been a while since I played Skyrim ( more than 3 mouths) but if I remember correctly for Smelting and Tanning you don't get Smithing experience and this is WRONG because this also must be(in my opinion) an experience gainer.


I don't know what mod that was, but I couldn't find a mod that gave smithing experience for tanning and smelting anywhere, and my friend wanted one, so I made one. If you want it as well, it is here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24116


I do remember that the SkyRealism Mass and Measurements mod allows you smelt down armor and weapons you have, but it also overhauls a lot of the crafting, so I'm not sure if it was what you wanted.

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