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Getting a close-up screenshot of my character


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I figured that "tfc", which I've never tried to use until now, would allow me to get a close-up screenshot of my character's face, but it doesn't. So ... how do I do this? I want just the head, down to the shoulders, to appear in the screenshot, but the closest I can get before I zoom into 1st person leaves me with the head to the torso. Using "tfc 1" allows me to zoom in, but with very little control. Even barely tapping the keys results in rapid and drastic POV changes. I fiddled with it for fifteen minutes and could never get the shot I wanted.


Is there a not a way to smoothly scroll in and out and to move the camera around? I remember being able to this with ease in Oblivion in 3rd person, but in Skyrim we're severely curtailed in the ability to zoom in on our character for some odd reason. Use of the fly cam seems limited by it not being controllable in smooth, micro-increments.

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The camera is very... choppy...


Another little trick for close-ups is changing the FOV (field of view) temporarily. Get the shot framed the way you want at distance using tfc 1, then experiment with FOV values by typing fov 40 (or whatever value works for that shot) in the console. When you are done you can reset to the default, by entering fov 75.

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That worked like a charm, Jellicent! Thanks. I have no idea how I missed that command. I still have a problem with clipping through the face, through (that's the problem with races that have elongated faces, I suppose), since this actually moves the camera, rather than just zooming in like a telephoto lens would do. I guess I'll just have to load the .bmp file into an external editor and crop out the unwanted parts of the image. tfc isn't the ideal solution for making portraits, I guess, but it's better than no solution at all.


On the other hand, if anyone else knows of a better way than using the fly cam to do this, I'm still open to suggestions.



Edit: My post crossed with flummox's post. Setting the fov does, indeed allow me to get the shot I wanted to get. This is sure a lot of trouble compared to how easy it was in Oblivion. Thank's flummox. I now have a complete solution, and further evidence that things that worked just fine in Oblivion have mysteriously disappeared from Skyrim.

Edited by Moraevik
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That worked like a charm, Jellicent! Thanks. I have no idea how I missed that command. I still have a problem with clipping through the face, through (that's the problem with races that have elongated faces, I suppose), since this actually moves the camera, rather than just zooming in like a telephoto lens would do. I guess I'll just have to load the .bmp file into an external editor and crop out the unwanted parts of the image. tfc isn't the ideal solution for making portraits, I guess, but it's better than no solution at all.


On the other hand, if anyone else knows of a better way than using the fly cam to do this, I'm still open to suggestions.



Edit: My post crossed with flummox's post. Setting the fov does, indeed allow me to get the shot I wanted to get. This is sure a lot of trouble compared to how easy it was in Oblivion. Thank's flummox. I now have a complete solution, and further evidence that things that worked just fine in Oblivion have mysteriously disappeared from Skyrim.


Happy to help. I have also spent a frustrating amount of time zooming through my character's head :wallbash:

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