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Something I'm trying out in Skyrim to confirm something


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I did all daedric quests and have all the artifacts from them and I have the uncursed Hircine's Ring and the Ring of Namira and I haven't done the companion' quest or started dawnguard and I did the dragon ending


I'm try to get to the bottom of why some dawnguard werewolf perks don't work and I'm hoping getting the daedric quests done and getting the quests for Hircine's Ring and the Ring of Namira done might help and well start the companions quest but not feed as a werewolf in tell I completed all the Totems of Hircine quest well pick the one that has the round disk as a companion Totems of Hircine perk, and then I'll go feed as a wolf and advance my dawnguard wolf perk tree, I heard the right side of the werewolf perk tree is the best way to go


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