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Vampire Lord is Absolutely the way to go, an I am very thankful for Bethesda to add it in game, although they are in desperate need of a Set of Big badd ass vampire bat wings. Especially for the flight Mods a good example is Royalbloodlines, if a Experienced and skill full modder were willing to take up the task I'm sure it would be appreciated by all. Perhaps something like the Under World Version that would be Perfect
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What's the matter guys? Afraid of Steam because it won't work with your :pirate: versions?


Anyway, you can subscribe to mod, download it, get the things, copy what the mod contained, store somewhere, disable mod and then add back to original location.

That's what I did with the said wings. (Also, there's another mod which makes wings bigger)



have fun!

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Wats wrong with steam??? Im new to mods and can u only use one site?


BAD thing with steam is that it does not ask if you want to update your mods.


My brother's game became extremely unstable, he got weird quests in his log, his wife (in game) started to act weirdly.


Why? Because of author of one mod decided that he starts to work on massive overhaul on his mod, adding quests and such, which failed heavily and didn't work anymore properly.


I'm using only one set of quests myself. (from the author of "The realms of daedra", as he seems like he knows what he's doing, so I trust that he doesn't do anything without testing it in-game)

And everything else is just some mesh replacers (the wings I mentioned above), and such.

You can use stuff from all over the internet, you aren't tied to one site.



Wholly forgot, you can make it so that it doesn't auto-update, but then it doesn't update anything. Which then becomes quite unpleasant.

I might not be aware of everything, but I just prefer Nexus.

It was here first.

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The Vamp wings do need to be bigger not only in wingspan but also substance. it doesn't matter how long the wings are if the skins in between the bones doesn't cover enough area to give lift or allow for gliding on the wind.
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I always mix these two mods.

Combine them for extra nice wings.


Also, this popped out today:



Vampire Lord wings by Grimoa are huge and using them along with Akavir's 25% Larger Wings makes them look almost ridiculously impressive. Personally I prefer Grimoa's mod, although Akavir claw-wings also have their unique charm: http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/1476113-1356308634.jpg


Unfortunately, both mods (Grimoas Vampire Lord and Akavir's Vampire Lord Wings) share the same set of basically two disadvantages:


1. Using either of mods prevents the Vampire Lord from dematerialising when using the Bats power (the creature just leaps forward and turns black for the duration of the spell)


2. If you use Belua Sanguinare Revisited mod, then activating a heavily weakened NPC ('Last man standing' pose) as a Vampire Lord, allows you to perform Power Bite and thus further develop your Belua Vampire, however, using any Vampire Lord mesh replacer (even "Retexture Vampire Lord") causes a Crash to Desktop just as the Feed Attack animation ends

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