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Stardew Valley

Possible mod to randomize portraits/sprites for a town character?


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Hello, this is my first post and I couldn't find a mod anywhere that would allow me to change between selected portraits and sprites for the townspeople randomly each day.


Ive already done searches in many sites and places with no success. If someone already has made the mod I am describing below, then please link it and ill be very grateful!


If not, would anyone be willing to do so please?


I would like to be able to configure which portrait/sprite files would be put in the queue for each character; and maybe even set how frequent a specific image will get picked or something similar.


Example: I have multiple mods that change Emily's portrait(s) and appearance while walking. However, the mods will all conflict with each other and therefore will not work. (And no, using each mod separately is not an answer that im looking for. Because if it was, then I wouldn't have put this thread up.) But with this randomizer mod, I can stick all the image files into one folder, then have the mod select from the file paths that I would have put into its config file and the mod will use the randomly chosen image for Emily for that day. Once I sleep, the mod would choose again from the same list and use that result for the next day.


Once again, I thank you if this gets made or is linked if the mod has already been made.

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