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CBBE, And Commenwealth Cuts Do not work


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Three possibilities : if you add a new body texture that's not adapted ( Check if your texture is well suited for cbbe bodies )

Second possibilitie; you play with custom playable children ? It's a little bit more complex but i've the solution because the problem would simply be that you are using the setrace command incorrectly and you need some other mods and patches.

There is a third possibility; it's that you use single player; and the problem is very simple.


for the case of unique player ; here is my solution :

The simplest ; 
make a manual copy of the file (female): meshes / caracter / caracterassets / (all files) without any exceptions and paste all in the file: meshes / caracter / playercaracterassets.  I say all , because without that you don't have all choises of hairs, face parts; etc
Don't forget that when you transform your body with bodyslide; you must make a copy of the files: femalebody.nif / femalehands.nif that will always be in the file meshes / caracter / caracterassets / after transformation and overwrite those in the file meshes / caracter / playercaracterassets

for textures ; you must do the same
Copy all files in Textures/actors/caracter/basehumanfemale/ and paste all in Textures/actors/caracter/playerhumanfemale.

In this way, everything will work properly

Never forget that when you use bodyslide; only the meshes / caracter / caracterassets /  is modified. 

when you have finished this small modification. The body of your unique female will never be changed again. But you can change the body of the generic females of the game, of course.

For the clothes and armors you want to use with your unique player. Just use the preset you used for your unique player body. If you created a body by yourself; don't forget to save it in bodyslide to have it easier to find it when you modify your outfits: for example, my body 001

For unique followers; the technique is almost the same

I hope I helped you

Edit : I forgot: when you install a mod with another body   CBBE   and another texture CBBE with vortex: for the question that the program asks you; place your new mod AFTER Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-
Edited by Chev70
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