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A Shout To Block Out The Sun


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Blocking out the sun is incredibly helpful for those who play as vampires with the Dawnguard DLC, however carrying around Auriel's Bow and some Bloodcursed Arrows all the time gets annoying when you only really want to use it for one purpose, once per day. Being both the Dragonborn and a Vampire Lord, I think it'd be appropriate that you can learn how to block out the sun using your Thu'um.


Maybe to make this acquisition more lore friendly it could involve making one of the Greybeards your thrall and working together to create the shout, or perhaps you can read about how to do it using the Elder Scrolls. But these are all extra details that somebody could expand upon if they like the idea that much. You might just discover it in a book locked away in Castle Volkihar or Fort Dawnguard or even in High Hrothgar. All I ask for is a shout that has the same effect as the bow, so that you don't have to carry around the bow all the time. Giving it a long cooldown time would be appropriate, and there are already some words that could be used for the actual shout itself. Sun = Shul, Defeat = Viik, Freeze = Diin, Kill = Krii, etc.


Please consider my request? I'd be incredibly grateful and I'm sure others would find it equally useful.

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This would be cool to see. I'd personally be interested in doing this as an evil character as well, regardless of whether I was a vampire or not.


Shout ideas:

Volum Nahlot Jun (or Shul) - Darkness Silenced Light (or Sun)

Krii Shul Jun - Kill Sun Light

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