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N00b seeking help - follower armor / inventory


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Hey all, I'm new to Skyrim and have been enjoying the heck out of it. On my first play through of any game, I like to try and keep things as close to vanilla as possible, kind of establish a baseline as it were. To that end, the only mods I'm running are ones that deal with "annoyances" rather than ones that significantly alter the core game (SkyUI and a "more gold" mod for vendors).


I've now run into another annoyance, follower mages that won't wear improved robes due to the armor classification (how did THAT get by QA????). So, I'm hoping there is a mod that will let you either equip your follower as you see fit, or something that will let the follower logic realize that the Super-Duper Robes of Awesomeness +1 that I just gave them is really better than the old bed sheet they have on.


I've found something called Ultimate Followers, but it seems to have a lot more bells and whistles than I'd prefer, at least on the first run through the game. If anyone has an idea orcouldpoint me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.


Many thanks!

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I usually found that they wouldn't equip the item because the stat bonuses were worse than what they were wearing, not because of the armour rating.


However - you could always open the construction kit and remove the armour ratings from the robes in the game. You'd only have to edit the base robe values, as the variants all use the base robes as a template item.

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Specifically, I've recruited the Mage from Azura's shrine. She is equipped by default with blue Mage robes. I bought her master robes of uber-destruction (or something like that), but she just leaves them in inventory despite the fact that they would certainly be an improvement in overall performance. From what I've read, this is because all robes are considered equivalent by the game logic, even though the purchased robes have +150 magica gen, -50 spell cost, etc. To the game logic, a robe is a robe is a robe, and since it is not "better" than the default, the game will not equip it.


I was hoping to find something that would just let me say "wear this" without a bunch of other mods.

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That doesn't seem right to me based on my playthrough (the only time they wouldn't swap was when the bonuses on the items were worse), but it could be a problem I guess. Are you using the latest patch?


Have you taken a look at the Ultimate Follower Overhaul mod?

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I am and I have. From what I've read, the key criteria seems to be armor value. Since all robes have the same value (1?), the algorithm considers them equal to the default gear so no swap, despite vastly better bonuses.


I may try UFO and just use the inventory piece.


All robes *don't* have the same armour value (although I think they should). Robes should have an armour value of 0, and the majority do. However, as I mentioned earlier, the basic novice mage robes (which it sounds like this follower has, but I'd need to check the CK to be sure) incorrectly have an armour value of 4, therefore they have a higher armour rating than the uber-robes you purchased.


That is likely the source of the issue.


If you pop open the CK and adjust the armour rating for the novice robes to 0, then save the changes to an esp and load it, you should solve the issue without needing something like UFO.

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